Twitter Digest for 2010-07-02

  • @ahniwa saw this on metafilter a bit ago, one post on the blue: another on the grey: in reply to ahniwa #
  • @dylanw O.o (next time, set up a quick wordpress install?) in reply to dylanw #
  • @bhenick the kid wore glasses K-4 because she couldn't recognize letterforms. was always getting trouble for leaving them everywhere. #
  • @bhenick oh the line about math, solving problems, etc lit my brain on fire. just wrote almost 1000 words of journal rambling. may post l8r. in reply to bhenick #
  • @bhenick yipes. (my baby sis had an IEP, btw. severe learning disability, 4th grade teacher discovered she COULDN'T READ.) in reply to bhenick #
  • @dylanw @mattmay I believe I've said that I'd have to be pried out with a crowbar. moving is teh suck. in reply to dylanw #
  • @bhenick am still grateful to my mother for telling school NOT to skip me from K to 2nd grade. can't imagine the ensuing social fail. #
  • strange but true: Nancy did faux-US accent sometimes, joking around. 1st time I heard GWB say "American" I freaked. it was EXACTLY like N's. #
  • a link to my favorite Canadian: (co-worker from United Way) #
  • 50F and raining. hello, July. #
  • @rshevlin thx for the tip. #

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