open gov data

ok, let’s see how long the battery lasts

not enough milk in my tea, and I steeped too long.

philosophy of open data. – open knowledge foundation.

comprehensive knowledge archive network (ckan)

microsoft open govt data initiative (ogdi), incl a tool


cataloging system, open source, written in python. json-based api.

(thinking dorothea would be all over this…or who knows: could give her own version?)

dead battery was dead. I have some paper notes, which hopefully I’ll be able to transcribe later.

paper notes:

showing ckan app, anyone can add data (oly police report, for example?)

URL munging gets JSON data.

ckan & ogdi wouldn’t play together -> drupal in the middle, using ckan api – used drupal because open source, modules, theming, also: tool they knew., made tool to connect ckan & drupal

ogdi: also repository (am kinda confused, could use a graphic)

fun w/small resolutions

I want more detail!

ckan module, caching [I seem to remember some really interesting things in the use of caching] (jquery)

data isn’t in drupal db at all, except as cache. and except ministry list.

themes used instead of views. curious.

I’m still really confused.

oh, if the ckan item also exists as ogdi, then use ogdi for data.

interested data use example: stumble safely, vantrash, water (tyler sherman)


follow-up thoughts: interesting stuff presented in a way that didn’t click very well for me. I think it would have benefited from fewer screenshots and more conceptual diagrams/charts.