- @einmaleins I'm pretty sure there's an alternate universe in which I'm actually a librarian. or working for trivial pursuit. 😉 in reply to einmaleins #
- @einmaleins I just know my way around the google: highlighted yr question, right-click, click on "Search Google for" – but thanks! 🙂 in reply to einmaleins #
- @heyrocker bummer! in reply to heyrocker #
- @einmaleins 17,000+ http://bit.ly/aAw02s (so for org/com/net, that'd be more than 52,000 altogether. a lot, but not an improbable #.) in reply to einmaleins #
- @waynecolvin you can also request interlibrary loan online, btw. in reply to waynecolvin #
- @bhenick @simonstl @shelleypowers the BEST donuts I know are made at a little shop 4 blocks from my house. #
- @shelleypowers homemade donuts are pretty awesome. #
- @bhenick I'm still on 10.4 – I'd say upgrade to 10.6 NOW and then 10.7 later. now the only way to go from .4 to .6 is $$$. in reply to bhenick #
- @librarienne I'm guessing spider mites. (they killed the mini-roses I had in college. except for the one I threw in the street. long story.) #
- @mattmay I may be in the market for a netbook. (seriously.) in reply to mattmay #
- IOW, today's a good day to use 5th to & from downtown. (5th should be a bike blvd.) #olympia #
- RT @theolympian: 2 bike lanes closed for painting noon-4pm 2day (state & puget, 4th & chestnut) http://bit.ly/aqwBZR #
- ah, reminds me: I need to compare price of RAM/OS/battery upgrade for ye olde macbook to a new netbook. #
- @libbabray it made me cry too…also gave me a big push to get back to the damn writing already. in reply to libbabray #
- @cssquirrel my "real" title, btw, is "Internet Communications Specialist" which is not too bad a way to describe what I do. in reply to cssquirrel #
- @cssquirrel which, actually, makes me somewhat fond of my old-school job title, ie: webmaster. in reply to cssquirrel #
- almost $1000 to change a single paragraph? really?! #highwayrobbery #howdoIgetinonit #
- Lovely, and yet disturbing. Fwd: Steampunk Apocalypse (via http://ff.im/smqr0) [pic] http://ff.im/smD8z #
- cute. and reminds me I haven't been down there in a while. RT @BR_Videography: Burial Grounds Halloween video http://bit.ly/bxS6Lg #
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