- @dylanw oooh, that reminds me. it's getting about time to write my top books of 2010 post! in reply to dylanw #
- @dylanw Switch, by the heath brothers? For thinking about eating, The End of Overeating by Kessler. in reply to dylanw #
- why net neutrality's important! RT @RobertAHunter: Comcast Bullying Netflix Partners Into Paying a Toll for Streaming http://gizmo.do/eHWYpb #
- @bhenick I was a lot more random in my blogging, back in the day. (some of my early posts read a lot like tweets, or series of tweets.) in reply to bhenick #
- @bhenick the post in question? musing that grandma (NOT the hoarder) would kick my ass for my messy house before writing abt the other. in reply to bhenick #
- @bhenick don't think any of my grandparents ever knew anything abt web. (died in '95, '95, '98, and '05, and she'd been ill for a while.) in reply to bhenick #
- @olybuzz is my fedora still in the back room? 😉 (cc @emmettoconnell) in reply to olybuzz #
- @spaceninja yes…it's just the native bold/italic thing. I'll have to futz with it in a simplified version & see if I'm doing it right. in reply to spaceninja #
- @gusandrews I NO RITE? if I close my eyes I can still see the interior of it circa 1990. in reply to gusandrews #
- @spaceninja xp/firefox – I should do screenshots or something. in reply to spaceninja #
- webster's was a big part of my growing up years. 1st videos rented there. boxes from mom still come via post office there. #
- RT @altadenablog: #Altadena icon Webster's Pharmacy sold to Fair Oaks Pharmacy owners, who plan changes. http://bit.ly/dK6Jpm #
- @shelleypowers indeed. I've got several forming up in my head now. 🙂 in reply to shelleypowers #
- a contest with haiku & web standards? hell yes! 🙂 http://bit.ly/fgNPde #
- #bbd4 new hates emerge as / new browsers supplant the ancient / I remember Netscape 4 #
- @spaceninja except it doesn't seem to work at all on Windows. Maybe Mac only? Or am I missing something? in reply to spaceninja #
- @spaceninja nice tip, thank you! (will come in very handy for something I'm working on now.) in reply to spaceninja #
- first bike commute in ages; cold & dark but totally worth it. feels damn good to be riding again. #
- @bhenick which phrase? (did not check twitter after midday Saturday, sorry if question is cryptic.) in reply to bhenick #
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