- while I'm here: what's for dinner? #
- @olybuzz @undeadolympia I'll tell ya this: it's got nothing to do with #olympia qua olympia, just #waleg #metonymy anyone? in reply to olybuzz #
- @olybuzz most awesome soundtrack based on a movie I otherwise couldn't stand. 🙂 in reply to olybuzz #
- @rogue_3 I'm wishy-washy with those too, esp biz. often depends on my mood that day. :\ in reply to rogue_3 #
- @rogue_3 obvious spam = FakeName9742 + vague aphorism tweets + unlikely profile photo + OMG SPAM PAGE links. in reply to rogue_3 #
- @rogue_3 generally that's new follows, altho there's usually an mention-spam or two in there as well. in reply to rogue_3 #
- @rogue_3 I waffle with accounts that are obviously real local-ish businesses that look like they're just following everybody nearby. in reply to rogue_3 #
- @rogue_3 I would say I see a handful of obvious (REALLY obvious) spam every week, sometimes in bunches. in reply to rogue_3 #
- @olybuzz and if none are around… http://www.flickr.com/photos/epersonae/3128992317/ in reply to olybuzz #
- @Oakwright 🙁 in reply to Oakwright #
- @olybuzz ::hugz:: (find whichever kitty is being nicest & give 'em big loves!) in reply to olybuzz #
- @geekandahalf ::highfive:: in reply to geekandahalf #
- @marcusdehart not being sarcastic at all: I like it to be the right length for the story. enjoy both doorstops & afternoon pageturners. in reply to marcusdehart #
- is it wrong that this comic made me want to make a model train/lego layout of #Olympia http://xkcd.com/878/ #
- @simonstl "According to Zillow, U.S. home prices have already fallen further (26%) than during the Great Depression (25.9%)" boggling. in reply to simonstl #
- I'm at work. Somewhat to my surprise. Discovered I was supposed to run a training today. Not gonna happen. (No energy, lots of coughing) #
- @simonstl the Disunion blog is fascinating stuff, too. (been a bit of a Civil War buff since I was a kid.) in reply to simonstl #
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