- @shelleypowers looks like this to me: http://muppet.wikia.com/wiki/Fork_in_the_Road in reply to shelleypowers #
- @shelleypowers it's hard not to be overwhelmed. in reply to shelleypowers #
- @Oakwright I think the Radish is super-cute: http://www.xtracycle.com/cargo-bicycles/radish-cargo-bike.html in reply to Oakwright #
- @Oakwright we tried that and couldn't get it connected properly. 1st gen townie is apparently particularly tricky. in reply to Oakwright #
- @Oakwright I'd sorta forgotten how fun the townie is to ride. (needs better saddle, tho.) but I do miss space to carry stuff. in reply to Oakwright #
- @shelleypowers my reaction to html5 shenanigans these days is sadness & frustration. I have generic outrage fatigue at the moment. in reply to shelleypowers #
- @Oakwright a little more serious than that: http://www.flickr.com/photos/epersonae/5684310359/ – it's going to the shop tomorrow. in reply to Oakwright #
- gorgeous ride, always fun to be wearing sunglasses. am on the townie for now, #xtracycle has frayed derailleur cable. I miss cargo room. #
- @myerman re mixed feelings: I care intensely abt rule of law. believe he shd've been captured & tried…in 2002 or 2003. #f ckTheIraqWar in reply to myerman #
- @Oakwright sometimes I wish "appreciation" didn't seem to always mean "food." in reply to Oakwright #
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