“Among other things, they said, a science adviser should be someone who will remind the next administration what science can and cannot do.” kinda scary.
agree with this commenter: “This is awesomely meta.”
from the comments: “The automated excerpt would be fine, if it included pictures, and included the first paragraph rather than first X characters.” I might actually grab this one for myself, as I absolutely rely on excerpts!
links for 2008-06-11
“To what extent am I entitled to attach context-dependent social expectations to a corner of the Internet that I control?” a damn fine question, and a tricky one. I have shifted back & forth over that particular line, and I don’t know if I’ve found the ri
go her! I have fond memories of watching C ride in Tacoma, years ago. (the john-deere-tractor-green kona.) also, there’s a Pierce Co bike map?
for OlyBlog?
links for 2008-06-10
“the gasoline crisis is taking the highest toll, as a percentage of income, on people in rural areas of the South, New Mexico, Montana, Wyoming and North and South Dakota” (having driven thru the dakotas, I can believe it.)
“A Q&A with Olympia, Washington, city manager Steven Hall and public works director Michael Mucha” from last December. (since then, they’ve decided on the Safeway site for the new city hall.)
links for 2008-06-09
“Ziploc bags” — just did that with the scary, scary cable drawer. (also, little cards to label which cable is in each bag)(tags: home productivity)
from the movie Maxed Out…which made me cry.
links for 2008-06-08
via dylan. thinking abt posting this to olyblog, too. very cool!
had to do some SERIOUS searching to find this. doesn’t include Oly, but at least it ought to be with a week or two accuracy.
I’ve seen something like this in the ikea catalog. nice to know I could do it myself.(tags: home)
yeah, I should be stretching more.
links for 2008-06-06
“an oral history, speaking with scores of people involved in every stage of the Internet’s development, from the 1950s onward”
links for 2008-06-05
Cook’s Illustrated recommends (just barely) Columela, Lucini Italia, and Colavita.
photos from our friends Steve & Paula, world travelers extraordinare! (now teaching English in Turkey, apparently heading next to the Czech Republic.)(tags: travel photography)
IOW, we are totally screwed.
my favorite meal to cook these days is steak or chicken with Johnnies seasoning salt on cast iron, plus a huge salad. extra-perfect for game night, as I can keep playing while taking 2-minute breaks to sear, turn, etc., plus the gang loves it.
ye gods & little fishes. but in a good way.
the recipe book is pretty genius. (could also be used for D&D?) and we’ve used binder clips as chip clips for years now.
I don’t have lemon zest, but I do have asparagus at home, so I think I’m going to make it tonight anyway!
I need to find a copy of this poster that isn’t beat to sh*t. Really. Seriously.
links for 2008-06-04
“Credited with increasing bike use in the city […] the lift [in Trondheim, Norway] is used on average more than 50 times a day, carting cyclists up the 20[%] gradient.” THAT is a clever idea. Harrison hill, I’m looking at you….(tags: bicycling urban_studies)
One thing I find interesting about this piece is that it includes pricing for all the infrastructure changes.
that looks surprisingly like the basic structure of our living room.(tags: home)
links for 2008-06-03
I thought of this during our last D&D game when C mentioned the drinking hall with the axe-throwing contest. 🙂
nice conceptualization. this weekend we cleaned out a bunch of drawers.(tags: productivity home)
interesting review of techniques for making the urban landscape more bike-friendly. (some annoying mannerisms, a deep hatred for autos, but good stuff if you can ignore those things.)(tags: bicycling urban_studies)
links for 2008-06-02
“Democratic candidates who appear on the Report receive a statistically significant “Colbert bump” in campaign donations, raising 44 percent more money in a 30-day period after appearing on a show” (via alykat)