“the ability to use some of the body’s own building materials for oral repair would be a boon to dentists, who have been fixing cavities with metal fillings since the 1840s” boon to dentists? how ’bout boon to those of us w/dental anxiety?!
my former assistant was of an age to be collecting Social Security, and damn web-savvy. (plus, yeah, stuff starts happening in the 30s. I have arthritis in both knees, TMJ, and creaky hands. I’ve worn glasses since I was 11, so that’s nothing new.)(tags: accessibility)
“one new feature which was hinted at was the :silverlight selector, which will be used to replace text in selected elements with high-definition streaming video” (look at the date on the post b4 reading; I just ran across this today.)
yes, yes I do. getting good candids is tough, because people immediately [run away from the camera][start mugging for the camera].(tags: photography)
“surely, in its fullest and most extreme form, the phenomenon is now passing its peak” heh. or not. curiously, quite a few of these have persisted over the last 70+ years.
where did the whole “filtering toxins” thing come from, anyway?
“bollos de queso” sounds kinda tasty.
I had no idea there was a standard for marking/announcing where bikes should go to trigger those sensors.(tags: bicycling urban_studies)
(tags: food)
links for 2008-04-04
what a lovely idea/memorial.(tags: accessibility nonprofit)
in the short term, you can’t have willpower about 2 things at the same time, but in the long term, developing willpower in one area help develop overall willpower. so that’s good.
read through to Dr. Crazy, too. good stuff on variations of authenticity. (btw, I often comment there under a pseudonym, partially because I tend to say stuff that I promised prior boss I wouldn’t blog about. I think.)
also, Dover Books are (is?) your friend(s).
“One of the fundamental challenges is to keep web content up-to-date, particularly in a decentralised authoring environment.” no kidding. I’ve had challenges here just as I did at Pierce, although in slightly different ways. Good article.(tags: intranet)
open contest vs. internal design…..(tags: design)
“congressional action is necessary to establish the appropriate balance between the needs of the national government in accumulating, processing, and disseminating information and the right of individual privacy” 1968 article in The Atlantic magazine.
there are a few very blightly lots in the neighborhood, including the one with GINORMOUS ron paul sign. (really, people. enough already.) maybe some alternate ideas?
links for 2008-04-03
“Saying it wrong on purpose” – from “the internets” (other variants: interwebs, intarweb, interwebtubes, etc., etc. lots of politico-mocking!) to “one fell swoop”
tasty, tasty data.
This is a little bit more like what I’d hoped Nick Finck’s SXSW session would be like: not just iphone, iphone, iphone, but the whole range of contexts. (But hey: why doesn’t mobile IE get any love?)
“I went directly to the source and surveyed two of my friends. The result was less than optimal.” I don’t think it’s just a Gen-Y thing, either. It’s a very vague concept among most of the people I know, too.(tags: creditunion)
I’m by no means a coldfusion gal, but this is good to know about.(tags: cms_research)
“the plain, vanilla, fuddy-duddy, fixed-rate 30-year mortgage WAS the innovation that emerged to fix a broken system. And it came to us not from the banking sector, but from the federal government.”
I adore pre-1950 logos; tiny little works of art. (similarly, the very first Apple logo.)
OMG I totally want that. Need to get my team organized!(tags: bicycling)
links for 2008-04-02
I like captioning, not just as a matter of principle, but because my hearing is not always what it should be…and sometimes I like watching vids late at night with the sound way down. (also: dig the intentionally garish design!)(tags: accessibility politics)
“Earth has issues, and it’s time humanity got started on a Plan B.” nice. (this year’s Google April Fool’s joke.)
terrifying beautiful pictures. the weather is broken all over.
heh. reminds me of the notebook from high school, which I now tend to describe as a reaalllly slooooow myspace. 🙂(tags: funny blogosphere)
“We’re also confiscating your geodesic dome and your nanotubes, for bein’ sassy.” Amusing, although a better question would’ve made it a better April Fool’s joke.(tags: funny)
from Pat. definitely follow the link to Michelle’s post! (and the one to “Five White Men Talk about Social Media”)
there are parts of our neighborhood that could benefit from this sort of thing.
unsurprising, although with fun! charts!(tags: marketing blogosphere)
interesting, and surprisingly inspiring.(tags: business productivity)
Damn. I’m not entirely sure what it means, but it doesn’t look good. OTOH, clicking through, it looks like the big changes are unlikely to come anytime soon. ($DEITY willing, it won’t matter because ClinBama will be pres.)(tags: creditunion politics)
An experiment in online fiction. The first one I liked quite a bit, the 2nd one was entirely incoherent, and the 3rd was somewhat obvious. (Choose Your Own Adventure, anyone?) Curious to see what’s coming next, tho.
going to email this to Elizabeth….(tags: accessibility)
links for 2008-04-01
it would be nice if this were a tad more “scientific.” y’know, more medical descriptions of illnesses, location information, dates of illness, airlines used, etc. With a base of thousands, it could actually be an interesting research project.
::sigh:: I don’t know whether/when to upgrade.
“You know deep down that it’s ridiculous; your parents didn’t have any of this crap and you turned out fine.” no kidding. (see also: shrinking circumference of kid’s wandering, helicopter parents.)
looks quite pretty.
almost more than I’m looking for.
I had not realized that Open Clip Art included lovely public domain turn-of-the(-last)-century drawings. I only wish the site were easier to search/browse.
I had no idea all the Mad fold-ins were drawn by one guy. (Now 87 yrs old) And check out the “interactive feature” – some of those foldins of the 60s & 70s in particular are sharp political commentary, too.
links for 2008-03-29
printable pinhole cameras. makes me think of Ralph’s toy camera photos.
I want to see this movie, and yet I’m afraid to. (Fog of War is possibly one of the best movies I have seen, ever.)
Navy Federal Credit Union’s call center(s) — green design helped drop turnover from 60% to 17%. Whoa.
(with 2 bonus maps!) moonwalks transposed onto sports fields.
(tags: recipes)
Fun goofing around with a metaphor.
“If you’re going to be robbing people for the rest of the night, you might as well take my coat to keep you warm.” A surprisingly lovely story.
vegan chocolate cake, plus weird Dairy Lady story.
links for 2008-03-25
“It’s a simple site that does just one thing: show you a list of the five Wikipedia pages that are geographically closest to your current location.” whoa.
y’know, I think I’m going to register. I did speak at a conference once, ages and ago. (via dorothea.)
links for 2008-03-21
just ’cause.
cracks me up. if it came to be, that would be sort of sweet.
links for 2008-03-20
I see only one scenario that would have made this story even more Apple-riffic: if Rose had sustained his injuries in a rumble with tech troll extraordinaire, John Dvorak.” altho one of the other commenters said he heard it was a bar fight. 😛
lovely. (check out the amended version linked in the comments, too.)
“HAI! This site provides community documentation of the emergent LOLCODE language.”
strangely, I got this from the LOL-ized version of Daring Fireball. Childhood’s End genuinely and totally terrified me in an existential way when I was in high school. I still shiver thinking about it, and I can’t even remember why.
“Spolsky’s whole pitch is basically a race for the bottom” – plus OMG ponies! 😉 also, alan’s comment is well worth the read.
“I demand documented standards with open reference implementations. That’s why I only develop with Microsoft technologies.” – one of my other favorite curmudgeons. very high snark content.
includes “brain machine” info
I kinda wish I’d been there for this one. He actually manages to make coherent points with entirely goofy slides. (Graph of cheese vs. libido?!)
links for 2008-03-19
allegedly there will be notes later.
very nice! that’s the kind of thing that ought to be part of the actual drupal documentation.
this is the guy I met at the higher ed meetup. very energetic, really interested in getting liberal arts students interested in technology.
this is the program he teaches in. not as much info here as I’d really want to see. such is web dev in higher ed.
as seen in Parts & Labor on S. Congress. beautiful stuff. was trying to keep from spending too much, so didn’t get anything. but want.