via Ron Shevlin — the description is misleading, tho. Think of it like a *private* Twitter.(tags: wordpress)
more ideas — as if I needed them! — for what to do with a “Money Day”
“The debate isn’t security versus privacy. It’s liberty versus control.”
links for 2008-01-29
“the 5W paperback-sized PC” – via C. it’s quite adorable, tho the RAM included is pretty meager.
“Yes, I’ve come to a legitimate art museum to see a Photoshopped portrait of a television political satirist that’s hanging next to the restrooms. Not only that, but there’s a line of other people who are here for the same reason.”
comment #2 hits the nail precisely on the head. also, Shelley’s extensive quoting of WaSP (etc) from 2000 captures, I think, why this is such an emotional topic. (so emotional that I needed an hour of IM time to keep from FREAKING OUT, as in, way beyond w
I want to be a writer again.
“It’s kind of hard to fly under the radar when you are applauded for innovation in Library Journal.” — I find the whole idea troubling; the same way it irks me that I can’t use TRL’s online audiobook setup on the pod.
“Noblesse oblige. Since we know more and can do more and better things with web sites, more is expected of us.” oy. thanks a lot. ::rolls eyes::
“Each new version of Windows introduces new APIs while attempting to maintain compatibility with old APIs, even to the point of mimicking buggy behavior.” – connects the IE8 thing to OS issues.
Mark Pilgrim’s links. I find his tag name amusing.(tags: x-ua-bs)
“What if this JS widget is designed for IE 7 and my page is designed for IE 6?” — oh, I hadn’t thought about that at all. Theoretically, that could be ugly. (also, check out the EOL dates in the comments! OMG!)
“it’s time they started earning their money instead of letting Dreamweaver do their jobs” – never mind the rest of the article (not much new here), I just love that line.
“It’s furry, and purrs quietly when you pet it.” 🙂
I will almost certainly need this later.(tags: mac)
stylin’! I’d like to see more home design that honestly incorporates the needs of pets.(tags: home)
trippy. reminds me of adolescent dinners out with friends, in a very obscure way.
“I’d hold a press conference and say that ONLY an atheist should be president, in the same way you want a eunuch to guard your harem.” – as usual, very very weird, and yet, quite funny, and also: shockingly true.
from Dylan. this sounds freakin’ tasty. when I make chili, I start with a Jamie Oliver (yeah, I know) recipe. there are definitely some things to try here, especially with the spicing, which has given me trouble.
scary story at the bottom of the comments, which are also quite rich in other ideas.(tags: business)
Huckabee wigs me out.
“I think we could make Iraq a very peaceful country just by dumping a few plane-loads of cash all over it.” — I’ve actually been known to make this argument occasionally in serious conversation.
sounds startlingly tasty.
links for 2008-01-28
video & other people’s notes from the thing I went to week before last(tags: drupal)
links for 2008-01-26
housing in that area must be horrifically expensive. I tried to use my current public transit travel time (40 minutes) and the current value of my house (wild-ass-guess/currency conversion 70K pounds) — it’s not physically possible. had to go to 90 mins
Yes yes yes yes. Don’t tell anybody, but I’m working on a redesign. 🙂(tags: web_dev)
“His mission was to photograph each of the nation’s 50 state capitol buildings and dispatch a postcard from each city, using postage stamps from a childhood collection.” – a beautiful idea, almost ruined by “the war on the unexpected” (bruce schnier’s p
a good reminder.(tags: css)
interesting idea to buy gift cards from the place where doing testing to give to subjects.(tags: usability)
as usual, Jessamyn has good stuff to say about the junction of technology and libraries. (sometimes I think I want to be Jessamyn when I grow up.)
damn good questions.(tags: marketing email-newsletter)
I think some of the techniques here are things I’ve worked on with my therapist.(tags: depression reference)
“There’s only one space left in the market where IE can still claim that bloated 95%+ market share: corporate intranets.” — Some excellent business analysis. (I’m reading the rest of my IE8 meta-switch backlog.)
Too many comments here to pick one, or to quote from any of JZ’s text. Frankly, I find the whole thing incredibly dispiriting; deeply disheartening. Like something’s gone horribly awry. Maybe Dylan’s civil war comment (twitter? can’t remember) is exactly
“The real question here is: Why do you have so many stuffed Lemurs??” – okay, that was what I needed. I get way too emo about this stuff.
links for 2008-01-25
ooooh. I ::heart:: magnetic whiteboards. (I have 2 at work.)
“So Bush’s inspiring, prosyletizing Methodist is in fact a silver-tongued horse thief fleeing from a lynch mob.” – heh.
hm. I fear that this may be far too true in our house.
for in a doorway
links for 2008-01-24
“So, bottom line, we’d like to see fewer modes, not more.” – a very thoughtful take from someone who’s had to implement multiple browser modes.
“Software is 100% detail. Quality is 100% attention to detail. And the detail called X-UA-Compatible should be replaced with something better.” — I’m finding the notes from other browser makers particularly interesting. As designers we have one sort of p
“I feel like I’ve walked into an episode of the Twilight Zone.” — that’s about it. I don’t understand!!!!!!
In the comments: “I have no doubt that later versions of ASP.Net will automagically include the necessary meta tag; this will make the perception that the MS platform works better than anything else.” THIS is the thing to fear.
what a rad idea! I want one, esp. with the owl.
whoa. I actually got to an empty gmail box. of course, I also figured out that I have a metric ton of stuff to do for the ENA, but that’s to be expected.
really need to do this.
good stretch here.
oh, I would love to turn my pretty little Ranger into an EV.
links for 2008-01-23
“My personal work envelope is so tiny and fragile it can be erased completely by a cloudy day.” one hesitates to suggest it, but perhaps Joe might consider investing in a light box. (anecdotal: setting up a light on a timer 10 mins ahead of my alarm chang
“following are a few pointers for getting over the design ledge”
clear, concise, clever & contextual.(tags: usability)
trippy. possibly useful soon.(tags: css)
Also, URLs can be reverse-engineered for 2005 and 2006. (2003 and 2004 are a bit more complicated.) Just reference for a possible future project.
“I, for one, [welcome our new overlords].” some serious WTF going on here.
links for 2008-01-19
such a crazy/cool idea. one is severely tempted.
whoa. rock on, library of congress!(tags: photography)
I often find his recipes too fussy for the average american kitchen, but this one looks like a winner.
the coffeeshop on cherry st downtown has one of these. of course, I know pretty much nothing about coffee, except what I learned from an episode of good eats. 🙂 and C hates the french press, as do I. total PITA. “stovetop espresso” otoh works pretty well(tags: coffee)
hm. my excuses for not biking to work until today: rain, icy roads, and darkness. today was dry, cold but not icy, and just light enough to be comfortable.
links for 2008-01-18
fun with outlook/exchange.(tags: email-newsletter reference)
links for 2008-01-17
very tempting, although I doubt I could get work to pay for it at this late date. Maybe tonite’s drupal event at the seattle times will help me decide whether this is the route I’m going to take.(tags: drupal)
not particularly psyched about the faucet, but I love the idea of the itty-bitty cabinet.
hail mary mother of jeebus. yes, we got a bill, altho thankfully to something that can take it. (and not, thank $DEITY, for thousands of dollars!) I’ve had my debit card # stolen, 10 years ago, that was one of the most frightening experiences I’ve ever ha
word.(tags: blogosphere)