hmmm…I actually have a couple of potatoes at home that need to get eaten….
“My proposed code of civil conduct for higher ed, or speech code, if you prefer: I will separate the speaker from the speech.” — just a good rule in general.
I think this is quite a bit smaller than previous versions – IMHO, a good thing. and I’ll be using this shortly!
best buy in the “more power” range. looks like they can be found for under $200!
links for 2008-01-15
“Facebook is a deliberate experiment in global manipulation, and Thiel is a bright young thing in the neoconservative pantheon, with a penchant for far-out techno-utopian fantasies.” — okay, THAT creeps me out. serious libertarian weirdo.
(tags: intranet)
probably won’t make until next spring, when I have (hopefully) my own peas & broccoli.
what she said.
links for 2008-01-12
grundtal! (we have this exact item in a box somewhere. also, grundtal was used in a game a while ago as the name of a fighter who appeared in response to a card drawn from the “deck of many things.”)
lots and lots of caveats, but it seems like a reasonably good idea.
“49 simple, clean, sometimes even minimalistic designs”(tags: design inspiration)
I think this may be the best one yet, if not EVER.(tags: design)
“the next time a politician tries to scare you with the European bogeyman, bear this in mind: Europe’s economy is actually doing O.K.”(tags: politics)
links for 2008-01-11
links for 2008-01-10
Anonymous 6:26’s comment is true, but immensely depressing. (I feel like there’s got to be a way around it, but I’m not clever enough to think of one.)
OMG. There’s actually a software program to help figure out optimum sequence of rides at Disneyland. I’m moderately embarrassed to mention that I’m kinda excited about that. (for Elizabeth, mostly. someday we’ll go together again.)
links for 2008-01-09
“These women were referred to as the “computers†because they had to calculate complex differential equations by hand.” — okay, just think about THAT for a minute. to heck with ENIAC, I’m just boggled at doing calculus by hand!
that’s entirely awesome. now that LCD monitors are more common, it’d be nice to see the furniture manufacturers follow suit with shallower desks.
“if you ask me what the ratio of client-to-server code of a good Ajax app is I’d say 30% client and 70% server” – I was pleasantly surprised at how little I had to do in JS for my first Ajax project. Let the server do the really heavy lifting, if you ca
wanna do this. (thinking abt using drupal for a major work project.) not super-thrilled about going to Seattle, but it just might be worth the trip.
links for 2008-01-08
“In essence, I could have tampered with the machines in any way I wanted, with very little chance of being detected or caught.” !!! – sometimes I’m glad to be vote-by-mail.
C installed a new thermostat today, but something isn’t working right. (continuous heat!)
came in handy today.
links for 2008-01-05
something I noticed: 2498 people participated in the democratic caucus. 2500 people?! and this is supposed to mean something to all the rest of us? jeez. they’ll probably get that many people in THURSTON COUNTY at the caucuses. oy.(tags: politics)
woohoo! I’m totally stoked. 🙂
links for 2008-01-04
no kidding.(tags: accessibility)
when I was younger and had a few groups of non-overlapping friends, we used to call it “when worlds collide” — I’m just secretive/over-sensitive enough that I find it quite painful.(tags: psychology blogosphere)
there’s some argument in the comments about the particulars of his alternatives, but the general idea is well put.(tags: money)
a couple of caveats: I found the daily weigh-in very useful; permission to eat a bit of junk food provides an outlet so that there’s no lust for the forbidden, and the evidence around saturated fat & heart disease is a little sketchier than you’d think, I(tags: health)
hmmmmm. one of the commenters @ gizmodo said they got it working easily on an MDA. very pretty. dunno if it can be installed w/out having a windows computer handy, tho.(tags: mda)
this also looks promising, although maybe a little TOO shiny.(tags: mda)
links for 2008-01-03
I keep forgetting what this one is called. This is part of my “not sucking at remembering birthdays” resolution. An old friend’s is today, so I have to be on it right out of the gate!
fairly basic brochure. my additional tip: write a wrap-up post within a day of the end of the conference, with quick summaries of all the sessions, and links to the detail. it’s come in handy a few times for me.
excellent advice. taking it slow at first & just tracking things is a damn good idea, and how I got started. (I tracked my weight for more than a month before my resolution.)(tags: health)
“With a design like this, I would almost venture to say that content doesn’t matter” — seems like that’s the problem, really, with that sort of design.