surprisingly thoughtful — even deep — responses.(tags: religion)
::sigh:: I wish.(tags: bicycling)
“I have gone back to Pound’s Cantos to find out if I was correct in so thoroughly getting over my initial enthusiasm” — me, I never had any enthusiasm, only irritation & disdain.(tags: writing)
go MeFi! slimy nonprofit people make me absolutely crazy. (don’t get me started….)(tags: nonprofit blogosphere)
links for 2007-12-30
that sounds pretty reasonable.(tags: kitchen)
links for 2007-12-29
Oddly enough, I’m partial to the tool built into MSWord. I spent a lot of time with it last year (?) rewriting stuff at Pierce.
I *think* this is the one that will do what I want, but I’m not entirely sure. My calendar situation is really annoying right now.
links for 2007-12-28
links for 2007-12-27
“this new feature has actually RUINED CHRISTMAS for my family” — ouch. although not terribly surprising. that’s why I wouldn’t think of sharing. (although, yes, I do use del.icio.us, but there I KNOW what I’m saving is for the whole world.)
very clear! (sometimes I miss getting Tom’s subscription to the economist.)
“After looking at all of the research, I couldn’t find a single reason to keep my crisper.” no kidding. I’m thinking about moving yogurt cups into one and wacky little condiments (or butter?) into the other.
links for 2007-12-25
interesting, although not very surprising. but: “ALT tag”?! never mind that it’s the wrong terminology, the real problem is that their “solution” cuts screen-reader folks out of the ability to use online banking at all. has nobody thought about that?
“I believe that every single person on the planet would benefit from talk therapy” — also, the last paragraph rawks.
useful SLR-buying tips, I think. (click thru to Sifry’s recommendations.)
links for 2007-12-22
my grandmother was born in New York in 1911. it’s strange for me to think of her as one of these little tykes.
“I kidnapped Jon Stewart to do analysis for me.” heh.
“How can we use the increasingly radio-saturated landscape for creative or functional purposes?†— extra-trippy.
links for 2007-12-20
hmmmm. I’m pretty sure the Kia gets paid off in 2009. we’ll probably put up with it for a while, but I wouldn’t mind a little looking around….(tags: car)
“I fear that a new wave of browser wars would lead to an ascendancy of Robespierres and, inevetiably, Napoleons.” — I dig the comparison to the French Revolution.
links for 2007-12-19
sort of via meri williams.
“We find no support for the claim that Net Promoter is the single most reliable indicator of a company’s ability to grow.” — need to remember this for a likely future conversation.(tags: marketing)
“The Richter Scales guys are not evil, they were just lazy.” — I also like what Shelley had to say about the kerfuffle. (linked in the comments) OTOH, IMO I wouldn’t read any of the comments sections, things just get noisy to no good end.
“I wish The Web Standards Project would either disband or get meaningfully busy.” — from Z, down in the comments. whoa. IMHO, the problem with web standards now remains education of developers outside of the standards community. but that’s a rant for ano(tags: standards)
going to play around with this.
“an “extended” info window that allows much more customization than the standard info window” — that could be useful.
links for 2007-12-15
“POLI 30 – Political Inquiry * Professor Thad Kousser” — the very, very, very few people who have known me since jr high will be amused at how much I like his teaching style. the first couple of podcasts have a good explanation of correlation vs. causati
for Elizabeth. 🙂
hm. I think he’s talking about autism/aspbergers writ large. scary.