“only 3% of the solicitations […] included the Section 508 standards” — this is a serious problem. I think it would’ve been a problem at Pierce if/when the web procedures got finished, too.(tags: accessibility)
such a useful checklist, in fact, that I printed myself a copy.
“a rich, deftly cross-pollinated online banking interface that pointed members to appropriate services only when their patterns displayed a need for them” — ah, if only.(tags: creditunion web_dev)
“why the hell shouldn’t college basketball be like this?” indeed. or all school sports. (my high school, btw: my senior year had lost every. single. game. 2 years in a row.)
I often have this experience coming home from work.
links for 2007-11-30
This is friggin’ cool. If only I had anywhere near enough comments to make it worth my while. 🙂 Most of the time, it’d look like, well, my blog was dead.(tags: blogosphere wordpress)
LOLCats: expressing everything about our society since 2006 or thereabouts.(tags: creditunion funny)
I did just get a new prescription…..
links for 2007-11-29
A survey on design element preferences. Kinda fun.
this is a good idea. html email is a PITA to do.
My adolescent favorite, the JITB ultimate cheeseburger, has 1010 calories. That is more than half of the calories I eat in any given day.
links for 2007-11-28
Gorgeous pics…and I love their bikes.
this is the “click-to-expand” thing I was looking for.
this is the one I actually ended up using, modified to be not a menu. 🙂(tags: css javascripty)
links for 2007-11-27
and this is just the technical side, not writing, etc.(tags: cms_research)
“creating favicons has never been easier” — no kidding! very clever. (via alex king)
not that I have any particular need for this now, but it could come in handy someday.(tags: php)
“It’s hard to tell the family I can’t spend time with them because I need to create free content on the Internet that will lower our income.” 🙁 His stuff is genuinely weird, funny, and thought-provoking.(tags: funny blogosphere)
goofy name (military origins?) but looks pretty solid. about to stop waiting for another project to get off the dime.(tags: php)
links for 2007-11-26
“So why, then — in L.A., anyway — does he remain a sacred cow?” smackdown on Bukowski. Ra & Franz both loved his stuff, but I never really cared for it or for that whole drunk surly guy poet thing.(tags: writing californication)
links for 2007-11-25
heh. I’m sure Elizabeth is the same way. (Also, this is true for common names of any ethnicity. Thao may have stuff online, but I’d never have found it.)
“If we heal somebody medically, but we break them financially, have we really done what is in the best interest of the patient?”
this may be what I’m looking for to get those old post w/out handwritten excerpts straightened out.
“So what’s the cleanest, neatest way to only [do what you want] if the excerpt has any content, and skip it if it is empty?” yeah, what they said. only…that post doesn’t have a response. 🙁
ooooh, fun.
pretty maps
links for 2007-11-23
the basic…this year I had a can of pumpkin from another brand, so I just want to have this around.
links for 2007-11-22
entertaining (if not very useful) bit of flash — once the flash loads, click on the blue cup, upper right corner. (warning: sound)
Ooooh, potential hours of fun. Right now, the main pic on the page is the spooky mirrored state HR building downtown. I don’t know how many times I’ve checked my hair, etc. in that window.
“it will never get interesting until the mobile network operators relax their death-grip” — I’m just going to use that quote everywhere now, because that’s the key issue w/mobile everything. and I love the word “death-grip.”
a clever hoax. do go ahead & read the “release notes.”
a very clever idea. at Pierce, I copy/pasted the main page text into Word for editing, for much the same reason. (excluding navigation, etc.) another reason to get my full-text feeds working again.
found today: a field named “condition”
I was telling somebody about this today and was surprised I hadn’t already saved the link!(tags: security creditunion)
links for 2007-11-21
Ralph gets all artsy-craftsy. I’m quite impressed by the results. Maybe someday my front room will be in a shape where I can do something like that….
Yes. Exactly. All bow to the Mighty Z. 😉 Seriously? This fires me up in the same way that the stylesheets series in ALA did back in the day.(tags: web_dev philosophizing)
heh. my home life is my achilles’ heel.(tags: productivity personal)
I’ve got something that (mostly) works at work, but home is an entirely different story.
“exceptions are more common than the rule” — Andrea hits the nail on the head. This, btw, is often the downfall of CMS.
Not that this problem has been a big deal for me, but it’s good to know.
there’s a chance this could be useful.
this, too. or at least I could improve what I’ve already got.
I’m very tempted to buy these for this year’s cards, although I like making my own.