as far as I can tell, the main issue is speed with page loading. might need to look into this at some point.
I should probably send this to Rick and/or Emmett @ OlyBlog.
“So I had this idea… what if I made Jeremy Keith’s process work from wireframe to deployment?” holy moses. wow. hm. I may be taking advantage of these tools in the very near future, fingers crossed.
well, he’s not the one presenting it, but that’s where I found out. a very nice little tribute/awareness bit. I’ll have to wear the blue knit elf-hat.
links for 2007-11-19
links for 2007-11-17
on being a “design buddy.” Sometimes design is really hard work for me; it doesn’t come as naturally as writing, and doesn’t have the yes/no feedback of programming. I’ve appreciated a number of “design buddies” over the years.
I have a kooky work idea that probably won’t go anywhere. otherwise, this is just to remind me that it’s absurdly expensive and not worth the effort. (gddm cell carriers.)(tags: sms creditunion)
ah, nostalgia. and yes, the first death knell of the web-safe palette was rung in Sept. 2000, 7 years ago.
mobile web stuff just makes me crazy, honestly.
“why do you see so many firetrucks […] out on what are obviously not fire calls?” this is what I came home to the day my father died, btw; the fire truck and ambulance on the street in front of my house.(tags: personal)
indian yogurt drink.
I always have this problem.(tags: food)
September to January is just one blur of birthdays & holidays. It’s damn hard work, actually, keeping my cool. (This morning I just realized that I’d forgotten my niece’s 10th birthday. I really didn’t want to do that. OTOH, I’m not sure what to get her.)
links for 2007-11-16
fabulous LOLCats comment on Shelley’s post. (I want to find that Joe Clark quote about being a curmudgeon…..)
Interesting. Dunno.(tags: creditunion web_dev)
Yes, this would’ve been my preference too.
horrible install experience, then “they waited for two hours on a bench outside before being told that the manager had left for the day”, and then…..
sounds tasty, like making tortillas at home, but more poofy.
links for 2007-11-15
just something to keep in mind as I sit at this plateau. (also, it’s very similar to falling back into depression.)
gah. and/or, WTF?
I hope Chia actually sent this to the city council, and didn’t just post it to OlyBlog, because that’s a damn good point. There’s got to be ways to engage all that energy into something that builds rather than blocks.
I’ve had that exact same thought. (The classic example: Sharepoint.)
space news
links for 2007-11-14
I liked them, C was not so thrilled.
I once had a cube that had a wooden column in the center of the entrance, was next to the main printer, and got no natural light. (You could see it passing overhead in the summer.) If I had a nickel for every joke about the column…well, I probably woul
as in, curly fries will kill you. 🙁
“When Elaine turned 11, her mother sent her to train under Donald Knuth in his mountain hideaway.” heh.
links for 2007-11-13
“increased problems are causing users to work on shortcuts to bypass the increased security”
“A typical response from a customer was: “When I see a picture like that I just think marketing. […]” yep. the happy smiling people get less and less effective over time.
I recently used some of this on a design comp.(tags: photoshoppery)
From the comments: “Please remove yourself from my brain.” Many many many of these bits map themselves onto my life. “Next time you hear “Coolâ€, I want you to ask, “What’d I just say?— Guilty as charged.
I am very often like this when I get home. Interesting that yoga is a suggestion for breaking out of it. (When is that yoga class finally going to start?)(tags: personal)
weird page ;-p(tags: gaming)
(tags: gaming)
I wish I’d known this much when I was writing stuff for the website. I need to get better at my journalistic skillz. Alas, I hated hated hated my journalism classes.(tags: creditunion)
a research project about megacities. also, includes largest cities for 1000, 1500, 1800, 1900, 1950 & 2005.
interesting. I’m not sure what I’d do with it right now, but….
links for 2007-11-12
email that guy & ask for “eps”
links for 2007-11-11
oh hey. that’s a cool idea.
links for 2007-11-10
pretty freaking sweet.
this is the year of the grid, apparently. nice JS bookmarklet, going to be using this a lot soon I think.(tags: grid javascripty)
pretty decent suggestions. (having been a web generalist since before there were specialists. in my day, we had to layout 8 tables, both ways, in the snow.) and that reminds me of something….
nowhere near good enough for production use IMHO, but an interesting thought experiment.
yes, the basics.
nothing too surprising, but worth it for the pyramid vs. pyramid graphic.
C loves them, I think they taste nasty.