Didn’t I see that on the West Wing once?
y’know, I think I could make one of these myself pretty easily. There’s a technique in one of my books for wire-wrapped stone spheres….
I don’t know…it makes me want to give Joe a hug or something.(tags: blogosphere)
cut to the chase: there’s a Goldilocks moment for intro text, where it gives just enough context to set the stage, not so much as to be dull, and not so little as to baffle.
jeebus christ on a stick. that’s a lot of colors.
think I might try this later.
Not for me personally. Also: $49 to get 18 years worth?!
links for 2007-10-06
from the comments: “the impression I get is that the only people that navel-gaze more than the people of Silicon Valley are the people of Silicon Valley who blog” heh. so very true.(tags: blogosphere)
yes. and this was true at Pierce, too. anywhere when you have the primary interaction with the customer via your lowest paid employee, these are issues.(tags: society creditunion)
links for 2007-10-05
on “enterprise 2.0” (gah!) and libertarians vs. suits. more useful than it sounds.(tags: intranet)
“The difference is that the overruns on a physical construction project are bounded. You never get to the point where you have to hammer in a nail and discover that the nail will take an estimated six months of research and development, with a high level
that reminds me of something I need to check on….(tags: accessibility politics)
I’m going to try the trick of checking one from each agency every 4 months.
I’m just glad I managed to avoid the replacement of the HP3000 at Pierce. Ugh, just saying that gives me the willies.
no kidding. hm.
I’m curious, but it’s PHP5 only, and I don’t have that at work yet. Of course, if I could ever get a round tuit, then maybe I could try it out for the mythical “media diet” application.(tags: php)
“You’re going to have to create internal structures that will help people grow into positions; that’s really where the real opportunity is going to be.” — that’s how it’s been with every job I’ve ever had.(tags: society)
links for 2007-10-04
includes a lovely downloadable flier.(tags: usability)
what a bizarre idea. I am SO not comfortable with the idea of using JS (on someone else’s site!) to create a layout.
trippy stuff. the map of the US is well worth a look.
focus, don’t multitask, eat well, sleep well, exercise, and change your “automatic thoughts” — he calls it changing the stories you tell yourself, but the other way of putting it works for me. (go cognitive behavioral therapy!)
Hmmm. I think I probably have some negatives in one of my boxes, but this is more to the point for Mom/Elizabeth or Aunt Susie, both of whom have many years (decades?!) worth of negatives.(tags: photography personal)
interesting. looks like they’re Trabian’s first rollout of their “give with us” project.(tags: nonprofit creditunion)
I suck at estimating. There, I said it.
I totally don’t have the mental focus to go through this now. Later.
cute. I wonder how it compares, minute-wise, to the TMo 411 charge.
for HTML email.
I’m not seeing that shift myself, but this has given me food for thought.(tags: interwebs creditunion)
among other things, he mentions that he’d love it if his bank used OpenID!
Great pic of the Getty Center by Elizabeth — who got sent by her work, lucky girl!
links for 2007-10-03
although I’ve been quite surprised at how many times ordinary users ASK for drop-down menus. (multi-level, OTOH, is pretty much always a disaster.)
A very simple way to explain it.(tags: accessibility)
Includes a downloadable flier with images & descriptions!(tags: usability psychology)
wow that’s beautiful. I’m still bummed that (a) the solar eclipse wasn’t visible here and (b) I forgot to get up for the last lunar eclipse.
“9/11 has made us stupid. […] We can’t afford to keep being this stupid!”(tags: politics)
“This was a sorrow of details, of minor rhythms and assumptions that I hadn’t really been aware of until, suddenly, they were disrupted or unmet.” — a year later and I still find myself expecting Maddy to be there. 🙁
need to contact for ENA stuff.
links for 2007-10-02
I suppose I should be doing this.
“And one study of Olympia, Wash., found that parking and driveways occupied twice as much land as the buildings that they served.” via OlyBlog. (Don’t get me started about strip-mall parking.)
hell and/or damn. this is so very frustrating. (branch maps.)
people really are begging for this.
no comment, except to say that it looks like my old job will be filled about one YEAR after I left.
Apparently, a hot bath “makes the blood vessels in your extremities dilate and help cool the body.” Fascinating. Profiler suggestions: maybe look at getting a better bed, and try to relax more before sleep. Imagine that. 😛
It’s boggling how important writing is to web design. In a good way (for me) though.
If only IT departments generally got the same kind of customer service training that tellers & call center people do…or conversely, the web application usability training that I’ve put myself through informally.
I would hazard a guess that HTC made my MDA. (mmmm, TLAs….)(tags: mda)
aha! yipee!(tags: mda)
“Elizabeth changed medications for her depression, and her life began to brighten” — a fascinating story on many levels.
(tags: creditunion)
I should probably read this. It’s just not working in my brain right now.
links for 2007-10-01
for our living room, something between 34 and 40 inches would be about right. good to know.
I can always use more regexp resources. (Dorothea’s tutorial — is it still out there? — has been the most helpful thing so far.)
links for 2007-09-29
“try to go online and she’ll melt your pc” — right ON.
Ah, Farrells. (Are they still around?) I think I had every single birthday dinner there up maybe all the way into high school, also the one and only surprise party that I’ve had. (16!)
I have a bunch of somebody else’s tomatoes at home.
“The result […] has been telecom’s Bay of Pigs—a project the government wanted to happen but left to underqualified private parties to deliver.” heh. perfect description. They note St. Cloud FL as a success story, too.
nice roundup.(tags: productivity)
“begin in an area in which your company is already effectively engaging community”
I’ve thought a few times about doing that with work (blue to white, BTW) but never quite been bold enough or clever enough to pull it off.
I finally got around to doing this on a project — a bit of work to wrap my brain around it, but OMG I can’t believe I haven’t done this earlier!(tags: productivity web_dev)
pretty much the same as what ails poetry: obscurity and insularity.
links for 2007-09-28
this totally rawks. do this tomorrow!
“It is simply incorrect to capitalize nouns (or any other words) just because You Consider Them Important” — thank you. yes. absolutely. what he said.
My brain can’t quite process this today.
this looks like fun, not that i have time for it.
links for 2007-09-27
this will come in handy later.
“it’s the people who aren’t young men who usually want privacy” — THIS is why it’s important to have diversity in web dev, IT, whatever. he goes on to complain about it being a PITA to program, but whatever.
I really like Jed’s appreciation, particularly the reminder of one of my favorite late L’Engle books. (I loved that 2nd poem when I was a teenager.)
It’s the “johnny-jump-up”, but fuzzy! (that’s the name we had for Greyson’s big heated mat that he brought back from S. Korea; it’s the closest we could get to the actual name.)
duuuuuude. I so need this.
how depressing.(tags: wifi)