a tech book, but some useful tidbits, plus an interesting idea from Ian Lloyd in the comments.
“get one give one” — $400 starting Nov 12. so very tempted.
something I’ve wanted to figure out for a long time.(tags: photoshoppery)
no particular need now, but still.(tags: php)
ugh. security questions can be a PITA. I’d rant, but it’d be about work. 🙂
Burt’s Bees lip shimmer is the only makeup I wear regularly; I swear by their lip balm and honey lotion. And yes, I can find them at Fred Meyer.
“having critical-thinking skills is way more important than whether you […] write your own compiler” or like I always told mom, at least I know how to write a good English sentence. it’s a skill that comes in shockingly handy.
“Never apologize for showing feeling. When you do so, you apologize for truth.” via Molly H. worth remembering.
The accompanying graph reminds me of this: http://www.flickr.com/photos/epersonae/241008948/ but with a hook at the end.
so very silly.(tags: creditunion funny)
links for 2007-09-25
including “don’t underestimate integration” aka the stealth project! (also, ignore the comments. a lot of bloviating.)
hey, maybe mom could make one! 😉
Like Ralph sez: “Best. Talk Like a Pirate. Post. Ever.”
I hate to say it, but one of the things that worked really well about sharing an office with Don is that I liked listening to music…and he was hard of hearing. 😉(tags: personal)
links for 2007-09-22
I do really like steak….
hmmmmm. can I get this working for Timberland Regional?
::sigh:: not that I’m planning on switching NOW, but the information comes in handy more often than I’d like.(tags: web_dev)
yeah. definitely. (UPS Class of ’96.)
no comment.(tags: blogosphere work)
OMG I so totally want one.
links for 2007-09-21
omg. so very odd.
“creating a bizarre orphaned node stuck sucking up memory until the browser window is refreshed” – mmmm, zombie elements…where braaaaiiiiins == meeeemmmmmorrrrrrryyyyyy.(tags: weird javascripty)
alas, we are going to be going to a friend’s house for a day of gaming, and it’s nearly impossible to get there, on a Saturday, w/out a car!
“According to Wikipedia, there’s enough Lego currently in the world to provide every man, woman and child with 62 pieces.” they recycle internally, but don’t use recycle plastic generally. 🙁
OMG, electric car dealership in Portland…including used cars. This may be the place where we replace the Kia.
a whiz-bang navigation, without Flash or JS. just animated gifs (!) and CSS.
I’m sure this is a great video, but I can’t see it. (Rassafrassing Barracuda….)
very timely!(tags: usability psychology)
“A poster made for an imaginary aviation show in Iceland” – beautiful vintagesque goodness.(tags: design inspiration)
freakishly, this makes me feel very nostalgic for sometime around late 2001.
an important component of therapy, for me, has been realizing that it’s just not possible to do everything, and to do anything, you have to choose.
it does cover most of the basics of web programming!(tags: web_dev)
“I remember being upbraided for having it [smartphone] poke out of the top of my velvet jacket in one of the courtroom scenes [of the movie Wilde]” — best. technology review. ever. seriously. also, a mac-windows mobile sync program!
links for 2007-09-20
goddamn it…requires PHP 5. someday, then.
beautiful prose-poem-like writing. I don’t know that I’ve ever seen parents biking with kids to school around here. (seems like only the jr high kids bike.)
unfortunately hysterical.
you can have my PS2 when you pry it out of my cold dead hands. 😉 aside: XBox has always had too-big controllers for my small quasi-arthritic hands, and mostly we just use the PS2 for watching movies.
Each URL has the form: http://view.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/// — from the almost-nothing I know about RDF, that seems very RDF-like.
C has lamented the firefox/mac behavior.
OMG, somebody took all the open game license stuff and put it into MySQL. if only I had time to do something about it.
from Kermix. am watching movie right now, so maybe in the morning before work?
links for 2007-09-19
using Wesabe’s API, figure out what things you need to have ready to switch banks/credit unions. very clever.(tags: creditunion web_dev)
Actually, it’s a pretty good introduction to creating any sort of blog.
re-read this later.
ORLY? hmmmmmmmm.
fun things to try!
I really like the last one. (Oh, heck. it’s already the middle of the month, and I haven’t started on October yet.)(tags: email-newsletter)
another interesting use of Wesabi, among other things.
“had been working on the 12th [Wheel of Time book] at the time of his death” – hell. I’ve been waiting to reread these until the 12th book was done (have read thru abt. number 6 or so). that sucks.
a beautiful piece, with quirky comments. (and on my bday, no less!)
post-its! I’m actually trying some of this whilst doing usability testing.(tags: usability)
Virginia’s idea for an all-women author web design anthology.
links for 2007-09-18
I had my debit card number stolen about 10 years ago; a very painful experience, although my bank at the time was amazingly helpful.(tags: creditunion)
One of the lovely things about going out to Bagby, etc. was seeing the night sky.
links for 2007-09-08
conceptual subway-style maps.
“The most commonly used neonicotinoid, imidacloprid, is considered “highly toxic†to bees, and therefore is not supposed to be applied while they are around.” tangent: in my aphid panic, I used imidacloprid, which killed pretty much everything EXCEPT
A Swiftly Tilting Planet is probably one of my favorite books ever.
links for 2007-09-07
a very clever idea.(tags: browsers microformat)
“It was clear at the festival that the sizeable deaf community present there was fully enjoying the music.” Greyson used to do sign language at a dance club, before I knew him; I always enjoyed watching him sign Depeche Mode songs. 🙂(tags: accessibility arts)
“it’s not going anywhere and it’s broken” — excellent case for standards in html email. “people”, btw, seem to really like email with graphics, colors, etc.
Shelley reiterates her big theory about disassembling and reassembling computer science as a discipline. I love it…then again, as an English major, I would. 😉
Scrivener looks really interesting to maybe get my writing together. And I miss whatever version of Word was out on the Mac in the period 1992-1996.
nice and simple. runs fast, too.
Nice compilation of the basics.(tags: productivity)
links for 2007-09-06
for both of us…the option glyph is the one that I never ever ever remember.