You got your peanut butter in my chocolate! (Running Parallels and Boot Camp on the same Mac.)(tags: mac)
A nice general article on web standards, as a profile of the mighty Z. (I just wish that most sites were run with web standards. that’d be the day.)
yeah, right.(tags: .net)
big list of web-based versions of various business/productivity software
oh, that reminded me that I loaned a student worker at Pierce my copy of Veen’s book — the one that I got for my Blogger template design (bracket town!), and never got it back. 🙁 jerk.(tags: web_dev)
send this to Emmett.(tags: drupal)
“NetEquality’s largest setup includes 350 apartments that use 75 nodes and just four DSL Internet connections.” (on page 2) there you are, then.(tags: wifi)
links for 2007-08-07
C’s mom’s saying: “3 moves is as good as a fire.” which is kinda creepy, but true. I have an intense and ambivalent relationship to stuff.
what a crazy story!(tags: creditunion)
I am attempting — painfully — to learn this lesson myself. not just to do it, but to actually believe it.
links for 2007-08-04
a good description of the final process.(tags: accessibility reference)
looks a lot like ye olde sliding doors technique(tags: css)
quirky. I think I like it, but it doesn’t have very good visibility. (yet)
“my emphasis is frankly on nudging them to learn to train themselves, because $DEITY knows it’s what they’ll have to do out here in the wild” — yes yes yes yes. I should probably write a whole frigging post on this.
‘A man who gets angry at work may well be admired for it but a woman who shows anger in the workplace is liable to be seen as “out of control” and incompetent’ — connect that to the negotiation study…. ::sigh::
links for 2007-08-03
some things about this design that are inspirational for a current project.(tags: design inspiration)
some potentially useful resources here.
this came thru my email via google alerts.(tags: creditunion)
lots of places for research(tags: cms_research intranet)
works with timeline (something I was playing with a while back) very cool-looking.(tags: javascripty)
links for 2007-08-02
“You can get the benefits of microformats for your own maps applications” — I think I already did that. 🙂
::sigh:: I have most of either the first part of a novel or a first novel. Nice thing about this piece is that it even has suggestions for those of us who write lurching from pillar to post. 🙂
is this recursive? (also, send to KS.)
links for 2007-08-01
an interesting description of the basic feature of CMS vs. homebrew “relational database with an admin section”(tags: cms_research intranet)
Lots of good tips, but this line rang true from previous experience: “Coworkers can develop envy or mistrust in an employment environment where only a few are given the option to telecommute.”(tags: productivity)
and useful tips for ME, assuming I ever get the opportunity to telework again.(tags: productivity)
“women’s reluctance was based on an entirely reasonable and accurate view of how they were likely to be treated if they did”
I’m sure this would make Shelley tear her hair out (or at least roll her eyes), but now I have a mental metaphor for RDF: microformats on steroids. 🙂
Superbia! — which I read a while ago and would like to get back to.
An interesting note about this issue — two articles about writing, sure, but also two articles by women.
Paula & Steve went to St Chad’s cathedral recently. also: patron saint of medicinal springs?!
links for 2007-07-31
just remembering my old PDQ Bach tapes. I haven’t heard The Seasonings since I was in high school. ::sigh::
Dylan continues to be f’ing funny, tho not on his own blog. As for Seafair, it’s like Lakefair down here, only in Oly it’s loggers/farmers vs. hippies. (Don’t get me started.)
links for 2007-07-30
that sounds nummy.
links for 2007-07-29
there. that’s what I want.
neat! If I had a sewing machine…and knew how to sew…I’d love to make something like it.(tags: crafty)
links for 2007-07-28
WTF? “When asked, Mr. Korb hides his head in his hands and replies: ‘Please, whatever you do, don’t ask me that question.'”
connection has been weirdly intermittent. need to figure out WTF is wrong.
need to figure out how to look at router info.
nice concept. my very first actual site design (c. 1998) used a house metaphor, with rooms for different subjects. the splash page was a blue outline of a house. (memories….)(tags: web_dev philosophizing)
Actually, it sounds like he would have been quite good there. Okay, maybe I should have gone. But dude: a weekend? Also, trying to compile some info and ideas for my boss….(tags: creditunion)
“The subtitle of the article — “some institutions aren’t realizing all that Web 2.0 has to offer” — is generous beyond belief.” heh.(tags: creditunion web_dev)
actually a ton of potentially useful items here.
C took a ton of classes from her when he was at UWT. fascinating stuff.
sigh. I’m trying to figure out how to deal with the gift subscriptions Elizabeth & Mom gave us for Xmas.
I’m looking for Mona Janson, who used to work at the Children’s Museum of Tacoma.(tags: personal)