nicely done, very thoughtful
ugh. cell service is the pits. still.
something to remember for later…we are going to do chat eventually.
links for 2007-07-12
(for AZ summer storms, something I remember vividly from visits to the grandparents.) the comments are really quite harsh; I wonder if they realize just how many newcomers there are in AZ, for whom “monsoon” means about nothing. via Aly.
omg this is the next car I want to own. as in, I’m tempted to put down the $99 to hold my place in line until next spring.(tags: personal)
as a google map. still haven’t gotten one of the new printed maps.
links for 2007-07-11
wanna know what people want out of a newsletter? ask them. (who’da thunk?!)(tags: email-newsletter)
I’m going to give this a whirl. (update: no GD 2. ::sigh::)(tags: usability)
great IM transcript re: hackers in movies. also, this is why I ::heart:: 24. More pipes, Chloe!
I will forbear on my rant re: salaries in higher ed. (In 6 years, I got 2 COLAs and one rather substantial raise — for doing 2x what was on my job description — during an overall realignment of salaries.)
there isn’t much to the accompanying story, but this chart is useful
that’s actually fscking INSPIRING, which sort of surprised me.
watch later
“time is an indication of success only in some cases, most of the time, it’s not”(tags: web_dev)
sounds nummy. would probably make a half recipe…or even a quarter…unless there’s a social occasion.
do we still have that mason jar kicking around?
no kidding. the aphids are back in force this summer. I’ve tried good bugs…now I’m ready for more severe methods.
this story rawks. I don’t have chickens, but I could be a hell of a lot more generous with the DE. (actually, I think that’s why the ants STILL haven’t returned to the kitchen: DE carpet-bombing.)
Dylan hits the nail squarely on the head. (OTOH, we get a bit more hot weather down here in Oly. Not as much water effect.)
links for 2007-07-10
“The adviser can best stay informed if you hand over the password to your account” – WTF?
very slow site, but a few worthwhile patterns for some possible future project(s).
hmn.(tags: wordpress)
fun little javascript toy.(tags: javascripty accessibility)
links for 2007-07-07
a half-hour podcast, then, transcribed in 7-14 business days, is $22.50. not bad, really.(tags: accessibility blogosphere)
“Just remember the first law of thermodynamics: conservation of energy. Oh, and you’ll have to not mind being hungry.” — this is about where I’m at these days. I’ve lost just over 12 pounds since mid-April.
analysis of CNN vs USA Today. useful.
slicing and dicing
what a fantastic idea! (I have several pieces from grandmothers & a great-aunt.)
hey, this is useful. I’m 3 months in on the work newsletter, and starting to figure out the regular flow.(tags: email-newsletter reference)
several useful bits to read later.
what a quirky idea. (via Russ at Red Canoe.)(tags: creditunion)
interesting analysis of two different homepage promos.(tags: creditunion web_dev)
online photo editor, reminds me a lot of Picasa (which I love). via Shelley.(tags: photography)
links for 2007-07-06
This would be hella cool.
links for 2007-07-04
omg it’s frostilicus.
this one is in Kat’s neighborhood!
heh. would love to see good high-speed rail on the west coast. (SF to LA in 2 hrs? sign me up!) otoh, amtrak is teh scuk…last time I took the train (14 yrs ago) the train was 12 HOURS late getting into So. Cal. maybe the states will have better luck.
sweet! exactly what I was looking for today.
I ran across Geni and it’s extra-pretty, but I’m guessing that Mom, Aunt Susie, or somebody has data in a GEDCOM-friendly program, probably a lot more names than I even know about. so this will be worth keeping an eye on.
links for 2007-07-03
love the smiley face rating system. (altho: ew, sharepoint.)(tags: intranet)
hey, a whole new batch! may have to put some of these to work….(tags: email-newsletter)
“[A]lmost no one who makes websites works in their company or organization’s web division. That’s because almost no company or organization has a web division.” — interesting take. C used to say all the time when I was at Pierce that I should be run(tags: web_dev philosophizing)
pared-down GTD. I think I’ve hit something similar, although I find I really need those paper files. I love alphabetizing them with printed labels. plus link to PocketMod in the comments!(tags: productivity)
interesting examples, and good food for thought. (my experience w/cognitive disabilities points to the incredible variability in them. (hi, Elizabeth!)) sorta sad that Joe isn’t going to be doing this anymore.(tags: accessibility)
“I would suggest “megalog” for your structure.” — comments are rad — I need to steal one of these names to describe the big chunks of The World’s Tallest Crabapple Tree that still remain.
freaking huge.
links for 2007-07-02
links for 2007-06-30
I shouldn’t laugh, but it’s just too absurd.
for later, maybe.
which makes this the online equivalent of the dreaded big sheet of weekly chores that lived on the side of the fridge through a large chunk of my youth. (which was one reason I was so thrilled to get a job.)
what a trippy idea. actually, it might work better for me for side work than slimtimer, which I’m always forgetting to start. I *always* have gtalk open.
“Kernel panic”?! Will need to look into it this weekend.
random quasi-holiday next week. (hmmmm, who do I want to surprise….)