2-second summary: Quick & Easy, Drupal, Plone. (They didn’t test WP.)
WTF? (Switching refresh speed seems to be working for me. Maybe my wrist will start feeling a little better now…..)
other things to try….
links for 2007-03-20
my usual daily intake is 2-3 cups of tea.
links for 2007-03-17
“this is the best account for anyone in WA state” — the discussion cracks me up. (via the boss)
Bank Deals – Best Rates and Deals: 6% Checking Account at a Washington State Credit Union (TwinStar)I had no idea this sort of thing existed. I guess there’s people who chase any kind of deal that exists. fascinating.
Something I’ve become aware of by osmosis. 🙂
best question ever: “with global warming, do we have to worry about reflections drying up?” also, Dylan is bingo smartass #1 in the Q&A.
I hate to say it, but this actually looks useful.
lots of copy editing, meaningful images
links for 2007-03-16
“they all require that the people who can view your profile must have an account with their service” — oddly, this may be the first interesting thing that I’ve seen about OpenID. (ran into this yesterday wanting to sign up for a Yahoo Group.)
(podcasts) I might wanna listen to some of these.
OMG. So pretty.
links for 2007-03-15
just a bit of fluff…I added a radio ad to our site today!
“more than half the women surveyed, ages 18 to 64, said they slept well only a few nights a week” — this may be TMI, but even when I’ve shared a bed, I’ve always had my own set of blankets. (I toss and turn.)
links for 2007-03-14
via C. looks lovely.(tags: bicycling)
I’m really impressed by the design.
I saw him present last year & was really impressed. looking forward to the read.(tags: mobileweb)
oh hey. rss caching. …so I could read on the bus (at least full-feeds w/out lots of links)…(tags: mda blogosphere)
I wanted to do this at one point!
would love to do this, both internally & externally.(tags: usability)
you don’t want to know.
(tags: evilframes javascripty)
ow.(tags: evilframes javascripty)
I tried Stikkit once & found it painful, but this might be worth a read.(tags: productivity to-read)
links for 2007-03-13
that’s what I say!(tags: standards)
oh, that’s just fricking depressing.
interesting ideas. I’m finding the suggestion in the article insanely annoying, but the vertical mouse looks tempting.
via Google Alerts: my doppelganger, the one who actually went to library school. 😉
links for 2007-03-10
I added Calibri to the work stylesheet; should I switch to Candara for myself? (I like Trebuchet’s letter shapes, but prefer the numbers in Candara…..)
an impressive level of detail in dealing with colorblindness issues. (10% of white american men!)(tags: accessibility)
Trabian CMS, designed for credit unions. Very interesting.
links for 2007-03-09
some good ideas here.
something useful to remember(tags: javascripty)
looking at ways to be more organized via my mda(tags: productivity mda)
this one looks really nice. (why do all the windows mobile apps cost?)(tags: productivity mda)
this one syncs with a desktop program. ::shrug::(tags: productivity mda)
a web service with a mobile view. probably less useful.(tags: productivity mda)
why yes, I am feeling behind on tasks in my personal life. why do you ask? 😉(tags: productivity mda)
OMG. I need one of these. Or at least when we redo the bathroom, to get crayons that write on tileboard.
my gmail is a freaking mess
trippy. it seems to me like there should be a catch, but I don’t (yet) know what that would be.(tags: php)
doesn’t make it work any better, just makes it easier to read. I’ve written a few bits of fugly code that could (have) benefit(ted).(tags: php)
decent list of free/pay font management programs
links for 2007-03-05
“Emphasizing natural intelligence takes it out of the child’s control, and it provides no good recipe for responding to a failure.” — this has been an issue for me throughout my adult life.