That was Saturday.
That was last night.
I want to read this, but I can’t concentrate enough now.
links for 2007-02-14
the other one looks busier.
links for 2007-02-13
“Handy calls these “Chinese contracts†referring to the culture where he learned them.” — just for reference. Interesting use of Aesop’s fable as a framing device.
“If the professional voice is like ice skating, and casual voice is like roller skating, I’d say biz blogging is like roller blading.” (in the comments)
links for 2007-02-10
damn damn damn. I can’t seem to make this one happen on my machine, either. ::grumble::
looks interesting.
links for 2007-02-09
I keep forgetting to save this one. This is how I figure out my regular bike mileage.
I should probably do something like this.
reminds me of something Joe Clark wrote several years ago, which now turns out to be intensely precisent (sp?). I want to read the whole thing eventually.
“The patents in question, Nos. 5,894,554 and 6,415,335, cover systems and methods for managing dynamic Web page generation requests–that is, sites that return a customized page based on user input.” you’ve got to be fscking kidding me.
they’re having some connection issues right now, so I’d like to look again in a few days and see if I can grok it.
very wacky.
making things go a little faster?
links for 2007-02-08
looks nice, very friendly, but I’m not psyched about the pricing.(tags: email-newsletter)
More comparable to Campaign Monitor. Might be worth additional research.(tags: email-newsletter)
I like that look. keeping for inspirational purposes(tags: design inspiration)
“First of all, forget about broiler pans and aluminum foil.” — oh, hey. means I need to get a cast-iron skillet, which I’ve been meaning to do anyway.
to absorb eventually
very very silly
weird and fascinating. I’ve been wondering about something though…I’d just as soon not geocode photos take at home with my exact address — even though, yes, it is in the phone book — and I’m pondering what to do instead.
freaky. a way to use PHP to combine multiple js files.
this is where I’m at, sort of.
I’ll take door #3: something I’m not really doing yet.
open source and .Net. how…interesting. not of any particular interest now, but just good to know.
a gorgeous picture from Hurricane Ridge.(tags: photography science)
I’m feeling the antsiness for spring. Damn it, I need to get out into the garden this weekend!
Any day that involves more than 2 hours in meetings is broken, IMHO. This is a good idea of what to do with the rest of the day.(tags: productivity)
Nice short description. (It continues to work well for me at the office.)(tags: productivity reference)
ow. ow. ow.
links for 2007-02-06
oh, hey. I need to do handheld stylesheets for a a couple of projects…..
interesting notes: off-black/off-white and font-sizing in particular.(tags: css)
following on from the last link…this rawks!
which is why I’m learning Ajax & all that by hand before I leap into any library(ies).
text = “F” pattern — pictures = more random
yet another version, this time featuring Quake. 😉(tags: blogosphere funny)
that sounds honest-to-god useful.(tags: javascripty)
pretty!(tags: design photoshoppery)
hmmmmmmmmm. just a random thought that I might come back to someday.
links for 2007-02-03
“Use your Remote Control to open documents, videos and more while resting in the sofa.”(tags: mac)
so much to read.
whoa. kinda makes my brain hurt, honestly. following the link to Eric Meyer leads down the rabbit hole, too.
links for 2007-01-31
“we cannot allow engineers to build products for an idealized rational user when real humans are irrational”
some things to consider as I work on a site template.
plus, as usual, more in the comments. something to explore….