as seen in the UPS alumni magazine. we took Spanish together freshman year. former VP at WaMu?! trip on that.
server version of tiddlywiki in PHP.
links for 2006-12-31
The Saturn photo is amazing!
links for 2006-12-30
got a nod from somebody re: Dell replacement batteries
so help me god: credit union humor…in a mac ad parody.
our mac went ultra-mega-crash this week. it’s weird and painful and I have no idea what to do. so C is riding herd on tech support. (turns out buying apple care was a good thing.)
fancy-pants notification thingy. might be worth looking into.(tags: misc_tech productivity)
chew on this later?
links for 2006-12-29
Scott was w/out power about twice as long as I was. I think most of his comments are spot on, although for us friends were more important than neighbors. Plus great Mr. Science style in the comments.
I read some of a draft version. Some is corny, some is obvious, but worth reading anyway
links for 2006-12-28
he’s doing abstract photos through mid-January. so far, this one is my favorite.
generally nielsen irritates me to no end, but this one is at least entertaining.
shhhh, don’t tell anybody. 😉
jogging my memory. amusingly, the link to discussion generates a 404 of its own.
fascinating.(tags: creditunion blogosphere)
for future reference
links for 2006-12-27
today’s trauma? disappearing background images.
in glorious detail
I need to start learning about the CU site’s users.
also, there is no fold.
something to chew on, also for the day when the round tuit arrives. 😉(tags: metablog)
“In other words if you’ve invested a pile of money into a high-end audio setup fed from a digital output, you won’t be able to use it with protected content.” And it goes downhill from there.
good tips here. via Meri.
I kinda want to do this, although right now my (new!) office is ultra-bare.
links for 2006-12-25
in any color!(tags: home)
I have a few of the mix tapes that K made me in high school & college, some orchestra performances, and IIRC a tape I made describing my trip to Europe to an old friend. (Most of my tapes, alas, were stolen exactly 13 years ago today.)
some things to look into
what a clever idea! too late now, but there’s something that would’ve made Teri happy.
links for 2006-12-23
they have an RSS feed! OMG! I ::heart:: WWN.(tags: weird blogosphere)
…hmmmmm…. better than newsgator? let’s find out!
I am getting seriously GTD at my new job, and I’m going to use this to organize myself.(tags: productivity opensource)
links for 2006-12-22
something about the balance between different kinds of microbes, apparently.
in the US, they’re looking at working with credit unions, partially for philosophical reasons, partially to deal with US regulations.(tags: creditunion money)
links for 2006-12-21
for one of my very first projects….
from a librarian
bunch more options here, including free.