diatomaceous earth.
lots and lots of tips, which I’m finally getting around to do something about.
links for 2006-12-03
whoa. I totally want to do that.
links for 2006-12-02
“only 18 out of 1 million LEGO elements produced is considered defective” — omg the tubs of legos!(tags: lego)
we don’t have any ikea seating now, but we might someday. (they make slipcovers for ikea chairs & sofas.)
(tags: productivity to-do)
a week from Sunday. I think we ran into this (and Larissa!) by accident last year.
links for 2006-12-01
I’ll buy that.
I tried hacking this myself once; it didn’t go well.
(tags: mediahub)
whoa. and also: hmmmmmmm….
need to do something like this.
damn good rule.
I really would like to know.
links for 2006-11-30
“If you’re comping the UI of a web app, forget the home page for now” — some really logical ideas here.(tags: web_dev)
“But never mind me, I just work here” — damn funny.
more on this later.
weird. I’m not sure I know what to do with it.
links for 2006-11-29
this is for MK. (I have no particular feelings about Rachel Ray one way or the other.)
I think I remember seeing this as a kid. (also note the crazy long description of the whole copyright status of this image being posted on wikipedia.)
is there anywhere I can get a modern one?! I totally want to get one for C for xmas.
very sexy. I wonder if I could find something similar at a local restaurant supply store…..
lots to read here.
dang it. I needed to buy a calendar for a gift exchange, and I had a hunch that they had one, but their server was down yesterday (snow!) so I got something else.
“I don’t like the idea that Mr. Buffett pays a lot less in tax as a percentage of his income than my housekeeper does or than I do.” — Ben Stein.(tags: politics)
“by the time I have finished analyzing it in my head it has turned into the Worst Case Scenario” — this I can identify with. also, I am still missing Maddy. 🙁
links for 2006-11-28
interesting….(tags: productivity google)
hmmmm.(tags: academia microformat)
“the anniversary of the day the United States repealed the Eighteenth Amendment and gave us all the constitutional right to consume alcohol” — suggestion for a new holiday. next Tuesday. (maybe an extra-special Olybloggers’ night?)
another version of the recipe found in the NYT, with mods by notmartha.
links for 2006-11-27
I used this a long time ago to make a sign for A. that reads “Caution: Random Dancing” or something like that.
like a short textbook for email.
links for 2006-11-26
this turned out pretty well. next year: keep it covered a little longer, as the very top of the breast got a little dry during the browning phase.
like CAD, but for Legos
“virtual Lego modeling for your Macintosh”
big herking manual!
color palette tool. Flash ho! (version 9?!)