links for 2006-11-23
this is the quote from a student in a conservative group that boggled my mind: “no professor or administrator should express an opinion publicly about anything.”(tags: academia blogosphere)
some things to think about the next time I go to the falls at the old brewery.
a beautiful old church in my old stomping grounds, being demolished for a hospital expansion.
alternate ways of thinking about search engine advertising. fulfilling the niche “shopper”.
where persuasive = helpful & useful.(tags: web_dev)
to get gtalk on the mda
links for 2006-11-22
Survey of “1,018 college-bound high school juniors nationwide, asking them for their expectations and behaviors on issues such as college Web sites, cell phone usage, blogs, and podcasts.” use for funding request.
alas, kinda ugly.
which reminds me…I bought a lovely free-range turkey, so no pop-up thermometer. that means I need to buy a real thermometer!(tags: food)
another laptop desk, cheap!
by students/faculty. nice overview.(tags: academia blogosphere)
“Hmm, let me think. Free butter or women’s rights …” Cracks me up. (They’re protesting tomorrow afternoon; alas, I will be at work.)
photo from Elizabeth of TV’s Stately Wayne Manor, post-fire. plus comment with my reminiscing.
medical supply?!(tags: home)
links for 2006-11-21
“We can’t take for granted that every young person already knows how to use this technology.” exactly!
by way of UIE brainsparks, oddly enough
always happy to see more color tools!
food substitutions. damn good idea.
links for 2006-11-20
that is officially the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard.
links for 2006-11-19
strange follow-up to the pleasant piece of the other day…..
also has link to planning a drip irrigation system. start preparing now!(tags: garden)
to do a very simple quasi-turing text challenge.
links for 2006-11-17
I hate altoids, but I happen to have a couple of the tins kicking around….
pretty things with fimo & altoids tins.
the third option: altoids tin pinhole camera
links for 2006-11-16
I totally want this for next year.(tags: gifts)
with a journey into the topic of “flow”(tags: productivity psychology)
“It was like plugging back into the universe.” Scott Adams, impressively eloquent on the joys of life upon getting over a cold.(tags: philosophizing)
“See, ‘make the logo bigger’ is a solution. ‘The brand isn’t prominent enough’ is a problem.”
maybe by the time we need to replace our furnace these will be a little less spendy!
as noted by a commenter: Tesla’s revenge.
uses CC-licensed flickr pictures. I sent a card to H!
“Due to power-outages in Tumwater, KUOW 1340 AM is off the air.” That would explain the static. I’ve been listening to KPLU, which I don’t like as much, but this post reminds me of KUOW’s rebroadcaster in Tacoma.
links for 2006-11-15
motivational posters for D&D (mostly) — tres silly
this, in a nutshell, is how I design stuff.
my dad was in telcom, my grandfather (other side) was an engineer. I worry, periodically, about Aspbergers.
comparing to other schools
All the way back to Washington. Fascinating stuff. And way too easy to spend time playing with.
would be pretty cool, if they get it working somewhere(tags: eco urban_studies)
I’ve had this happen twice: one from hiking (I think) and the 2nd time from dropping a papercutter on my big toe. I’d just forgotten what it was called. One of those weirdly melodious latinate terms.
what a crazy idea…nice use of PNG transparency.
so I don’t forget this time.
in Photoshop, by way of Elly. no use for it right this second, but I know it’ll come in handy one of these days(tags: photography photoshoppery)
links for 2006-11-14
not that we have a “global corporate” intranet, but there are good ideas here. I’m particularly interested in the “business park” concept.(tags: intranet)
I liked CodeIgniter, but it seems like Cake has a lot of energy behind it.(tags: php)
crazy stuff; also, nice integration with their directory!
“Building a Mac Home Media Center, Part 1: How To Get iTV Capabilities Today, For Less”
nice tip, and very easy.(tags: photography)
excellent summary, including the (new to me) info that JS on phones kills battery life.
instructions for binding own books.
plus, as usual, the lifehacker crowds have lots to add
“Panera tried to invoke that clause to stop the opening of an Qdoba Mexican Grill.” how fscked up is that? we’ve been going there on work lunches quite a bit…dunno if I want to do that again.
aha! I had something like this at a neighbor’s house recently.
I’m making this right now….
mmmmm…girl drink