“I swear, sometimes this programming thing is really just the digital equivalent of baling twine and duct tape.” the process for generating the bulletin on our website is shockingly similar.
one of my best friends in jr. high & high school spoke in tongues. a very odd thing.
yeah, yeah, everybody’s linking to this. but I think I will give it a try…I could probably bake it in my much loved cassarole pyrex. the trick will be finding a warm space that isn’t likely to be attacked by cats.(tags: recipes)
shockingly pretty. based on that UC Berkeley project I linked to earlier; this is an actual functioning implementation.
you could extend this discussion to any sort of web-based interactivity. made me wonder if we should offer a digital journalism class…..
after the hobbit. (I fear that “one man” may have, in fact, been my father. I own his copy.)
a clever idea. I have a pretty good sense of how it might be done.(tags: web_dev)
soooper-weird wikipedia entry. I’ve never heard of any of these variants before.
heh.(tags: funny productivity)
links for 2006-11-10
“Seventeen and a quarter billion dollars is a lot of money, but assuming that these programs cut short the American occupation by only two years, they would save us at least $200 billion.”(tags: politics)
or more properly: add AJAX spiciness to a mailing list signup form.
I should probably do that, if only to post one of those goofy banners.
I’m trying something fairly “out there” for a new site.(tags: wordpress)
not sure if I need this one. bookmarking it anyway.(tags: wordpress)
ditto.(tags: wordpress)
makes me nostalgic for a particular moment in my life….
a really thoughtful article. (weight watchers? hm.)
“Here, the joker filled a cubicle with balloons.” Was it Tom whose birthday we did that same prank for?
pretty!(tags: photography)
truffles are something of an in-joke between me & K. 🙂 but I’ve never tried making them….
links for 2006-11-09
“enthusiasm cools when it is admitted that it rains nearly every day” — nice quote from 1889.
“About 85% of those polled said they’ve become so flustered, they’ve ended up swearing, shouting, experiencing chest pains, crying or smashing things.” no comment.
lovely ranting. I enjoyed looking over C’s shoulder while he was taking stats, and I’ve come to believe that they should be part of the standard math curriculum for everybody. way more useful than my 2 years of calculus.
I can do flour tortillas, but my one attempt at corn was a DISASTER. this should help. 🙂(tags: recipes)
lovely and modern(tags: writing)
a bunch of stuff somewhat above my head, but interesting.
“Work-Life Balance [is] a euphemism for ‘I don’t intend to let my job take over all aspects of my life'” heh.
I might do that to the tote bag I got at the NCMPR conference…once I get a sewing machine.
“what an off-the-books mechanic can tell us about the health of our inner cities” — the author’s research is cited in Freakonomics.(tags: society)
“Inside America’s most powerful megachurch with Pastor Ted Haggard” — originally published May 2005. fascinating. scary.
links for 2006-11-08
good tips here to pore over and make sure all is well.
hey, that’s exactly what I need to work on “media diet”!
links from the local library!
most critially, info about JVM stuff. good link down in the comments, too.
the meal-planning forms might be most useful.(tags: productivity reference)
just a note on rhetorical devices; in LeGuin’s excellent book on writing, she mentions “somehow” as a word to never use, because it’s a weasel word, like writing in the passive tense. something to think about….(tags: politics)
this is the 10-minute version of Brian Fling’s WebVisions talk, IMHO. good stuff.
“But the rust wasn’t bold enough. She decided to substituted [?!] it with a Pepto-Bismol pink.” — this house is a few blocks away from us, on my usual route downtown. I’ve been watching the work since she bought the house. It’s very cool.
“The biggest flaw in our democracy is, as I say, the enormous tolerance for intellectual dishonesty.” — combination book review and really depressing essay.
links for 2006-11-07
okay, that was insanely easy.
could contain some useful information for my custom viewbook idea.
email to SMS. cost?(tags: sms)
Elizabeth has some fun pictures of putting up the lights on Christmas Tree Lane, an Altadena landmark less than a block from the house.
“unlike most other agencies of the state, we [public higher ed] have alternate revenue sources” — fascinating, if depressing, take on the financial state of our industry.
links for 2006-11-04
lots of opinions on this topic. several years ago, I did very well on the Hacker’s Diet. right now, I’m just trying to avoid the excess sweets in the office.
the house I grew up in is going to be a set in an upcoming episode. (Elizabeth thinks Friday after Thanksgiving.)
Elizabeth took a bunch of photos of the house after the TV people had set up their stuff. Surprising (to me, anyway) how much of the incidental decor is ours.
survey of audience members at AIGA-sponsored talked by Z.(tags: web_dev)
something to do at the next brainstorming meeting. (I did something similar, several years ago, for card sorting.)(tags: photography productivity)
fried rice techniques(tags: recipes)
links for 2006-11-03
“a buzzing fluorescent light that you can’t turn off” — New Orleans journalist’s story of depression. via the inimitable dooce.(tags: depression katrina-rita)
this is fantastic! the site is along my daily commute, and I was kinda wondering what had happened to the cow pasture.
Willamette’s blog policy. I just like the page title. 🙂(tags: academia blogosphere)
University of Saskatchewan. Interesting that content is CC-licensed by default. I wonder how many people bother to change that….(tags: academia blogosphere)
“The Greasemonkey Security Professional’s WebThinger” via C.
“they really only have one community: the people who give a shit about their magazine” fascinating. I really enjoyed Derek’s talk at WebVisions, too. he’s one of those people, I think, who really loves the web.
OMG. the whole thing, online. dig, especially, the lettering.
(Karine needs shorter titles.) Good tips here. Student Outreach interns? …..(tags: academia blogosphere)
“under your desk” …reminded me of a story. when I was at UWPC, the woman who had my job before me was somewhat notorious for once having taken a nap under her desk. somebody found her sound asleep that way.(tags: weird productivity)
great idea for pre-seeding a wiki.
would it count if I took a picture of my mailbox? I kinda wish I hadn’t voted already…it would’ve been fun to take a picture of the ballot laying out on the table in the front room.
in progress.
links for 2006-11-02
“Hundreds of PHP scripts, tutorials, and articles; One purple walrus”
at this rate I’ll never get around to watching this, but at least now it’s out of my tabs.
a clever idea to try in November’s newsletter!(tags: email-newsletter)
UW interndisciplinary site: blogging & pedagogy(tags: academia blogosphere)
some interesting mac software suggestions, including in the comments. since the last update, Cyberduck seems to be quite stable, btw.
links for 2006-11-01
something for the carport this winter?
“Today, I refuse to be coerced.” I will spare y’all my rant re: Girl Scout cookies today.
very cool bit of halloween/simpsons weirdness. me, I never get my @ss in gear early enough to have a good costume.
ye gods. I don’t have the brainspace for this right now….
kewl posters plus a quiz.
“the iPod does not match the star quality of the Walkman in its heyday” — not mentioned: intricate playlists = mixtapes. see also my notes from the generational marketing session at NCMPR. (I spent most of the years 1987-94 with headphones over my ears
I just like this line: “Companies that make and issue the cards argue that what looks shocking in the lab could not lead to widespread abuse in the real world” oh, no, never!
(tags: mediahub)
still haven’t gotten this working properly….
on sharing email, etc. over multiple computers.(tags: it@home)
(tags: business to-install)
1 down, 6 to go….(tags: recipes)
his recent photo series(es?) have been excellent, and something of a trip down memory lane.
2004 BBC documentary — omg. must. watch. now.
links for 2006-10-31
oh, wow. that is really easy. I might need to drop by radience today.
I happen to have a bunch of tealights in which the candles got unusably melted….(tags: photography home)
should I go?(tags: email-newsletter)
basically: higher ISO.(tags: photography)
“It’s Comic Book Guy deciding what will and won’t be legal on your own Web page.” — in which Joe rants most marvelously. I was surprised to hear that TBL was getting together a new HTML group. It didn’t seem very necessary. And that list of PDF tag
good stuff on GUI, with some follow-up reading to do.