shopping research stuff
“Put a person (or better, _persons_) in charge of your content. Give that person the empowerment to make decisions that relate to content.”
I love these. I want the ride poster!
featuring “Blame Bingo”
“2005 Best of the Web and Digital Education Achievement Awards”
“although I think my own depression is manageable with medication — medication that I am still taking every day — it tends to flare up in a debilitating way when I’m thrust into very stressful situations” me too. her description resonated so hard
links for 2006-10-05
(tags: javascripty checkback)
more cool free stuff
not mentioned here: the fine art of triangulating.
“Here’s why the Dutch norm of bicycling everywhere creates more happiness […]”
(tags: intranet)
I am severely clueless about wine.
links for 2006-10-04
links for 2006-10-03
(tags: arts to-install)
“Also, the left sidebar needs to be seven pixels shorter.” – ha! and also: so very true.
this sounds very much like what I’ve heard of in the library world.
(tags: photography reference)
links for 2006-09-30
“The Problem With Web Calendars On Campus” — no kidding. project by a group of master’s students, at the 0.03 stage. I like VTCalendar, but I want need to keep an eye on this, too.
fascinating article about Adrian Frutiger.
C has the tmobile motorola phone, and likes it reasonably well. (he’s picky.) my phone, otoh, is one of the most complicated things available. I like it, but once in a while I miss my old clunky sony-ericsson….
looks both pretty & useful.
something to think about.
not that I ever really have time to, but it’s a nice idea.(tags: intranet)
I totally want to do something like this. Maybe have Amy & Don join me?
stuff to follow up on.
“our generation’s version of the Alien and Sedition Acts” – there’s a ton out there on this, and all of it makes me feel sad & sickened.(tags: politics depression)
from our digital design program. also airs on cable tv in Pierce County.
“the platforms will be cashing on my data” — that’s what was nagging at me during WebVisions 2005. we make the cool stuff, they make the money (roughly put). plus, follow the link to O’Reilly’s post.
links for 2006-09-29
I wonder if this is the problem that Paula’s having.
links for 2006-09-28
for my sweetie.
there’s somebody I want to send this to, but I’m a little wary of being a pest, since I’ve been talking his ear off about this stuff for 5 years.
clever & simple.(tags: php)
at a glance!(tags: microformat reference)
“Us teenage poets depress easily.” — as usual, Bruce Sterling hits a note both painful and funny.
big weird thoughts, mixed with Ruby on Rails cheerleading (I think)
however: “the loss of neurogenesis is not sufficient to induce the illness”(tags: depression science)
sweet! can you connect it to a power generator?
links for 2006-09-27
“All good sermons come in three points.” Hmmmm. That makes two fairly well-known minister/standardistas, plus my assistant (the former chaplain). Interesting.
relatively local, but ouch: $800?! 3-4x more than WebVisions or SXSW? and I’d still need to stay in a hotel. Alas, not likely.
looking for headphones….
is this at *my* Radio Shack?
which I find shockingly cool.(tags: mac)
“Email is addictive because it is a variable-interval reinforcement schedule”– pavlovtastic! alas, I don’t see anything in the suggestions that looks like a meaningful way to reduce the problem.
actually pretty useful. (F12 and Ctrl+/ work to activate it.)
startlingly clever. I might have to play around with that!
OMG. I got it working with both our site search AND search for the directory!
“My computer is broken now too. I sent the thing to Apple.” — the tshirt slogan, expanded
“hast thou ever seen a Croatian Shirt as pleasing to thy eyes?” — I’m vaguely embarrassed to admit that we got the catalog for these patterns, and I always wanted Mom to make me one of these shirts. 😛
“I will fluidly surf the entropy” — worth reading for that line alone. 🙂 seriously, this is a kickass essay. a point which I don’t see mentioned often enough: the Critic is actually useful once in a while!
“Because all those standardized tests have just worked _great_ in the public schools so far.” — almost spit my tea onto the monitor. also: amen, brother.
damn.(tags: politics)
links for 2006-09-26
wondering about having db guy set up a DSN….
not sure I totally grok this, but it might be worth coming back to.(tags: javascripty to-read)
need to get the spinach & lettuce out this week, while the weather’s nice.
read this later.
I don’t remember if I picked this one, but it sounds fascinating. (I may have figured out a way to go, btw.)(tags: javascripty sxsw)
by way of Dorothea. if I had any interest at all in relocating, I’d apply for that web designer gig. ::drool:: but they’d have to pry me out of my house with a crowbar.
links for 2006-09-25