also, movies I will probably hate, be deeply annoyed by, or have intense ambivalence about. thinking about Mulholland Drive still gets on my nerves.
links for 2009-03-20
"In essence, Paulson and his cronies turned the federal government into one gigantic, half-opaque holding company, one whose balance sheet includes the world's most appallingly large and risky hedge fund, a controlling stake in a dying insurance giant, huge investments in a group of teetering megabanks, and shares here and there in various auto-finance companies, student loans, and other failing businesses. Like AIG, this new federal holding company is a firm that has no mechanism for auditing itself and is run by leaders who have very little grasp of the daily operations of its disparate subsidiary operations." This article actually kinda makes me physically ill. And scared.
"Almost the entire Obama family, including the president, will pull weeds, “whether they like it or not,†Mrs. Obama said laughing." a vegetable garden about the size of my house. nice.
links for 2009-03-19
"Together, [inexperienced leaders], orchestrated a disjointed response to the winter weather that left major streets unplowed while Jackson, the man calling the shots, worried aloud about clearing certain streets so the mayor could drive to work, according to interviews with plow drivers and street crews and thousands of department records analyzed by The Seattle Times." daaaamn. makes the chaos in Oly look pretty good, actually.
why can't all marriage licenses be "self-uniting"?!
links for 2009-03-18
links for 2009-03-17
set of infographics, including map(tags: journalism)
watch this vid later.
huh. expanding shirky's article about newspapers to the whole goddamn economy. I'd been thinking myself that it applies to a lot of large-scale institutions.
appalling, and yet also perfect.
links for 2009-03-16
I think this is a co-project of dylan & featherstone.
to review at some point in the future
possibly by way of a response to the shirky piece, and also I think an explanation of why this is hard. I'd like to read it again at some point.(tags: blogosphere to-read)
I heard about fields in core yesterday from a vendor at the acquia booth. and also rdfa in core? (of course, that makes for an "interesting" conflict with the html5 folks.)
yay dylan! 🙂
"I promised you folks “stabbing, grotesque, eyeball-searing irony†this year." congratulation? but srsly, I know about nothing of this profession, and I'm still impressed by Dorothea. 🙂(tags: library blogosphere)
links for 2009-03-15
this came up last night at the mefi meetup. the answer to everybody's question: you freeze the butter/cream cheese balls, and only fry for 10-15 seconds. still sounds appalling.
links for 2009-03-14
"That is what real revolutions are like. The old stuff gets broken faster than the new stuff is put in its place." I think dylan said that Clay wins the debate over the future of newspapers. also, I might try to track down that book, assuming it's not deadly dull.(tags: journalism history)
actual text of the presentation, includes the chart I had trouble summarizing yesterday.
cute photog from dori.
links for 2009-03-11
I like the idea of designing the header for the preview pane.(tags: email-newsletter)
links for 2009-03-10
with a typo, alas. on a more serious note, for me this is the end of an era, and I'm sad to see it go. (ALA, DW, webmonkey, and evolt: the touchstones of my early web-design days.)