Also see my LinkedIn profile for employment details and volunteering.
- The Interconnected, May 2016 – present (editor and author)
- ZEAL, The Passenger’s Seat, September 2016
- The Pastry Box, May – December 2015
- Ignite Olympia, May 2016: Look how lucky we are to be alive right now (Video • Slides)
- Confab Higher Education, November 2015: “We love meeting with you!” (Slides • Storify of Audience Tweets)
- Pacific Northwest Drupal Summit, October 2015: Overcoming Command Line Allergies (Slides)
- AlterConf Seattle, May 2015: Establishing Your Team’s Core Values (Video • Conference Page)
- Responsive Web Design Podcast, April 2015: The Evergreen State College, with Justin McDowell (Audio & Transcript)
[I also have a really poor quality video of a presentation I gave at the Evergreen CMS Users Group.]
Elaine Nelson has been making web stuff since 1998. She currently wrangles code and words for The Evergreen State College. She is particularly interested in the intersection between technology, writing, and psychology, and how content management and content strategy can be better friends. In her spare time, she enjoys bicycling, role playing games, writing, and knitting.
Alternate Bio (snarky edition)
Elaine Nelson was directionless with an English degree in the late 90s and then: GODDAMN INTERNET. In her current gig, she wrangles content and content management systems, but her last job was Webmaster, so she’s dabbled in all sorts of web work. She’s an editor at The Interconnected, previously published in The Pastry Box, and once had a poem published in an anthology of GenX writing, when that was the big new thing.