Now here’s Chad: This is

cartoon of chadNow here’s Chad:

This is in a stubble phase, which we are currently in. (I love Chad’s facial hair. I know it’s weird, but I totally envy his ability to change appearance whenever.)

I took a long (1 & 1/2 hour) nap, while he went off biking. Makes me feel horribly lazy.

This is me as if

cartoon of elaineThis is me as if I were a web cartoon character, courtesy of stor. Not that I’d ever wear a midrif-baring shirt….

did I have a sign

did I have a sign on my back that said, “ask me about my Handspring Visor“? 4 people (2 on the way up, 2 on the way back) asked me about my PDA yesterday. then again, I love babbling on about the damn thing.

okay, now there’s a weird

okay, now there’s a weird thing – the rest of my page, with the exception of the last post, and the day/time of the post before that, are just gone.