feeling kinda blah this afternoon.

feeling kinda blah this afternoon. not sure if it’s the rain, or just that I didn’t go home for lunch. but I guess it’s okay, since I’m still getting stuff done.

I’m mildly tripped out by

I’m mildly tripped out by the death of Douglas Adams. I have never been a fan, but for a long time his work was a counterpoint to various elements of my life, since he was a favorite writer of Edith’s, and I seem to remember that Kermit really liked him as well. Almost makes me want to go read some of his stuff.

I want to do more

I want to do more jewelry work today. yesterday’s field trip was a great inspiration…there are so many beads….

so blogger was out for

so blogger was out for a couple of days, in part because the guy who runs all this had to go out of town for his grandfather’s funeral. what a bummer. I think I wanna send him a condolence card.

Brit is trying to teach me the wily ways of Boeing middle management. 🙂

this morning the rain that’s

this morning the rain that’s been threatening for the last couple of days has finally made good on its threat. slow steady sheets of rain fall past my office window. a spring rain, tho, fairly warm, and falling through a canopy of emerging leaves.

yesterday was a good day. we decided to goof off for most of the day, since Chad has to deal with all the surgery stuff today. went to Oly – hung out with HR (truly interesting conversation – I mostly just listened), then with Brent. He’s going to be putting up a fence, and wants Chad’s help. He & Dani doing really nice stuff with that little house (gorgeous floors & paint in the living room!). Then Chad took me out to shipwreck beads which was wonderful and inspiring and overwhelming.

I haven’t been up this

I haven’t been up this late in a while. trying desperately to write in the blank spots in this section of Aila. but I found it was coming off really forced, even to me. so I’m taking a breather, to let the thoughts gather back again.

we had a “pre-emptive mother’s day strike” today – went over to Jennifer & Jerry’s house, gave mom a dwarf boxwood in a big ceramic pot, plus a little thing of bath salts and a michael graves/target trowel. she was thrilled. 🙂 so we sat around & drank green tea and talked about nothing in particular.

monday Jerry is having his eye surgery. I am keeping my fingers crossed, and whispering a few thoughts to the goddess – both for Jerry’s sake, and for Jennifer’s. and for Chad’s, too. I feel sort of useless…and it doesn’t help that if I think about it too hard, I just start bawling. like I tell him – at least he gets to tell his dad that he loves him.