stupid, stupid Scott. I hate

stupid, stupid Scott. I hate crawling through his archaic messy code, trying to make an attractive & elegant application for the Facilities people. <grrrr>

it’s a beautiful day. and

it’s a beautiful day. and yes, I’m inside – worse yet, I’m still at the office. I’m trying desperately to decompress from interacting with too damn many people…listening to the radio…surfing my favorite sites…eating jelly beans. maybe I’ll get up and do my stretching before I take off.

after all, Chad is at pt. defiance, biking. I need to buy a bike – I need to learn how to ride a bike! sigh. some days, I actually think of that as more of a barrier to adulthood than getting my driver’s license. (no, I don’t have that, either. yes, I walk a lot. and take the bus.)

I wanna change my little popup windows so they work more like I use them.

  • humor
  • useful
  • what else????


maybe I’ll play around with it a bit before I go home.

listening to: the Pixies drinking:

listening to: the Pixies
drinking: mountain dew
wearing: black “dress of ultimate fun” and blue & white kimono (with grey tights)
thinking about: usability testing

I updated my Sims relationship

I updated my Sims relationship chart – Cheryl finally made friends with someone – she & Joan get along famously. and, as happens in my neighborhood, they quickly fell in love. I wonder if I should have Cheryl ask Joan to move in. and Joan met Jane…no sparks yet, good or bad.

yep, I wrote a long

yep, I wrote a long post about my popping knee, leg exercizes, the “core revision,” and something else that I can’t remember – and it’s vanished into space. <sigh>

I was really hoping to get out of the rut of little one/two line posts.