Spa Day Facecloth

December 28, 2018

Did 15 repeats and it looked about square (and I needed a washcloth) so I finished there. However, in use it tends to stretch sideways more than lengthwise, so I think even 17 repeats (as per pattern) is too short, if I make another I’ll do at least that many.

Used just shy of one skein.

Elizabeth’s bracers

September 14, 2018

Cast on 54 st, per her text, 7” wrist, 11” forearm

December 28, 2018

They fit great! (at some point I need a photo)

Ombré Hat (pink/purple)

I maaaaay have janked up the pattern a smidge around row 5 or so of the pattern, but it shouldn’t be enough to be noticeable.

December 7, 2018

switched to 1-row stripes for the last few decrease rows to make sure I didn’t run out of the purple

December 15, 2018

My first pompom!

WDA Duck #1

Time listed is extremely misleading — I think I did the actual pieces in an hour or two, but it took me a couple of weeks to get around to seaming, and a couple more to get around to sewing the head to the body.

FWIW, since I was doing it a single color (to mimic a carved wooden duck), I just threw out the two beak pieces. Honestly I think they’re way too fiddly, both to knit and to attach.

I think I put the head on backwards, but that looks more like a duck to me. I also shortened the head a bit, since it looked too long in all of the photos. (Probably should have written down how much at the time, alas.)

Unlikely to make more, which is actually kind of a bummer, I would’ve liked to have given them to the whole gang.

WDA Duck #1

Time listed is extremely misleading — I think I did the actual pieces in an hour or two, but it took me a couple of weeks to get around to seaming, and a couple more to get around to sewing the head to the body.

FWIW, since I was doing it a single color (to mimic a carved wooden duck), I just threw out the two beak pieces. Honestly I think they’re way too fiddly, both to knit and to attach.

I think I put the head on backwards, but that looks more like a duck to me. I also shortened the head a bit, since it looked too long in all of the photos. (Probably should have written down how much at the time, alas.)

Unlikely to make more, which is actually kind of a bummer, I would’ve liked to have given them to the whole gang.

Junior #2

December 12, 2018

Date finished is when I did all the sewing up, I think I finished knitting it last weekend?

Junior #2

December 12, 2018

Date finished is when I did all the sewing up, I think I finished knitting it last weekend?