November 21, 2018
4 rows stst (since the cast-on makes a 5th row of stockinette)
9 rows ribbing
in which I write about stuff
4 rows stst (since the cast-on makes a 5th row of stockinette)
9 rows ribbing
I have tried several patterns with this yarn, and I really like the drape with a larger needle, so I’m doing #6 needles instead of the #4 called for in the pattern.
technically, the incorporation of the Boneyard Shawl is via a variation with a second color, just to figure out how to do the garter ridge that way. (I sort of wish I’d used those style increases instead of the yo’s, but live and learn)
Nice simple little hat, used up the last of the yarn that I bought to make the owl cardigan.
Pretty simple colorwork after the first couple of rows. Both yarns are fairly sticky, which I think helped keep an even tension. Number of stitches in the pattern made for a wider cowl than the picture really looked like, not quite enough to double loop? If I made it again would make either significantly smaller or a bit larger.
Used #2 needle for ribbing, 2 1/2 for body.
I can’t believe I stopped the pattern rows with exactly enough yarn for the last row and the bindoff. MAGIC.
It’s just way too big for me, and I think the smaller size would honestly be uncomfortable to knit. Going to have to find someone who it’ll fit and who will enjoy it, I suppose.
(Made with a handspun from Sarah that I don’t think I ever put in my stash, used up basically all of it.)
Making a pair for myself for both cosplay and for wearing while working.