I left the yarn tails dangling from the tentacles, which makes for a nice visual. Not including those danglies, it’s about 6.5” long, 4” in diameter depending how you squish the bell.
Basic Sock with a Double Gusset Heel
Doing this as an ankle sock — 13 rows 2×2 rib, 2 rows stockinette before beginning the heel flap.
Sept 4 – finished 1st sock, started 2nd
BoB bracer prototype #2
This version has the correct cabling, does not have the purl across row before the pattern, and IIRC only has decreases after the pattern. (I found that shaping a bit thru the pattern gave it a better fit.)
BoB bracer prototype
This is the version with the skinny cables, which don’t look quite like the logo, and without the garter sections or any shaping.
July 27 – Made a swatch to clarify the cable pattern, now making a prototype bracer to see about overall fit.
BoB bracer prototype #3
19 grams yarn after weaving in ends.
Goal for this one is to get the ribbing before/after the pattern set, and to get the shaping how I want it. Should be the final worsted-weight version.
August 15, 2017
There was some editing of the pattern on the fly here, but ultimately this is the last prototype before I give the pattern to others for test knitting!
BoB bracer prototype #3
19 grams yarn after weaving in ends.
Goal for this one is to get the ribbing before/after the pattern set, and to get the shaping how I want it. Should be the final worsted-weight version.
August 15, 2017
There was some editing of the pattern on the fly here, but ultimately this is the last prototype before I give the pattern to others for test knitting!
Sea Wall
June 18, 2017
Cast on sock #2
Stole of Istus
April 4, 2017
New headcanon from yesterday’s relisten of The Adventure Zone episode 47: this is what the thing that Istus is knitting looks like. (https://twitter.com/epersonae/status/849062937352392706)
Fear of Committenment
I just realized that this yarn goes really well well with this line, which I listened to again yesterday: “So you’re laying on your back and you’re looking up at the sky, and the sky is this… unnatural light purple color.†So that’s a thing.
(Altho in retrospect, I think my most recent Honey Cowl is a better color that way.)
May 1, 2017
JFC, yesterday I realized that I should’ve been decreasing for the last three repeats, so I pulled back and got reset at the end of the 2nd repeat. Aaaaaaand then I realized that the decreasing starts at the end of the 3rd. Ugh. Plus I’m going to have to do some rearranging of the stitches to get the decreases in the right places? This is not an especially well-written pattern, alas.
May 8, 2017
Either my row gauge is hilariously wrong, or this is made for someone with MUCH shorter arms than mine. (Did an extra pattern repeat at the narrowest point.)
May 10, 2017
Ugh this pattern is just not well written. I got all the way thru the gusset increases then looked at the picture in the pattern: yup, I was supposed to have been doing those added stitches in k2p2 ribbing. Welp, I’m not pulling back again unless I frog the whole damn thing, so I’ve just started ribbing from where I’m at.
May 15, 2017
Naw, but seriously this pattern. I totally missed the bit about casting on 2 new stitches when moving thumb stitches to scrap yarn. Although at least I caught it right away so I only had to pick back one round.
May 19, 2017
Did one repeat plus 6 rows after the thumb instead of three, because I don’t want them that long. (Oh, and didn’t do the 4 end rows, which I almost missed, because I don’t need the decrease.) I probably could’ve ended 2 rows sooner for the way I like them to hit on my hands.
Did the full 10 rows of thumb ribbing.
I am extremely ambivalent about these mitts now that they’re done. The cabling is off-center, and the forearm decreases and thumb gusset increases look sort of odd. But they’re comfy, and I hate frogging.
Next time I get a big thing of DK yarn, I might actually try rewriting, because I like the concept a lot.
Honey Cowl 2: purps
This was my project for keeping my hands busy during the Catalog Summit. Was debating whether to use both skeins, but decided to make two so I can give one away.