
Tubular cast-on! It’s magic! (Seriously, though: it’s tricky but makes a much nicer edge for ribbing!)

I probably could have made this a few rows longer, and I sort of wish I had. It’s a little close-fitting.

Was gonna be a present, but he was there when I finished it, so…

beehive cap

I guess this is its own pattern! The goal was something that sort of perches on the back of the head that my bangs can peek out of. And the color of the puffin is very similar to the color of the ImagiKnit I made into a Honey Cowl, so I wanted something that went along.

Re, incorporated patterns:
2/2 ribbing as in quick stocking hat
Body as in honey cowl
Decreases as in Jellybeanie

The total length before starting decreases is about 6”.
Decreases in the knit rows, first decrease was k2, k2tog, all following decrease rows were k1, k2tog.
Slip/purl rows as close to keeping in pattern as possible.
Ended at I think 8 stitches on a decrease row.

If I had wanted a more slouchy hat, I would have used a size larger needle on the body and gone longer before decreases. (But I’m not much for slouchy hats, tbqh.)

honey cowl cap

I guess this is its own pattern! The goal was something that sort of perches on the back of the head that my bangs can peek out of. And the color of the puffin is very similar to the color of the ImagiKnit I made into a Honey Cowl, so I wanted something that went along.

Re, incorporated patterns:
2/2 ribbing as in quick stocking hat
Body as in honey cowl
Decreases as in Jellybeanie

The total length before starting decreases is about 6”.
Decreases in the knit rows, first decrease was k2, k2tog, all following decrease rows were k1, k2tog.
Slip/purl rows as close to keeping in pattern as possible.
Ended at I think 8 stitches on a decrease row.

If I had wanted a more slouchy hat, I would have used a size larger needle on the body and gone longer before decreases. (But I’m not much for slouchy hats, tbqh.)


This turned out beautiful! I ran out of the variegated blue, so added stripes of variegated purple and solid blue.

Had to go all the way to the end, though, since I realized that it’s 42 points, and I turned 42 just before starting it.

Broken Seed Stitch Socks

Finished the first sock on my birthday! And cast on the second sock on Sept 12.

Ended up using the Fish Lips Kiss Heel, despite the directions being sort of crazy-pants.

Kaibashira socks

This is significantly too big for me with the pattern as written; I ended up making serious revisions which I’ll probably publish as its own pattern.

July 28, 2016

Had set these aside after getting confused about why I had too many stitches on the 2nd repeat of the lace row…realized I’d read it wrong. 🙁

So I tinked back 3.5 rows and kinda started over.

I love this pattern. I’m almost certain it’s too big for my ankles, and I don’t know what to do about it. :\

August 1, 2016

Calculated decreases (see photo of notes) and went down to 56 stitches, which seems about right.

August 4, 2016

Started heel flap on slightly rearranged stitches to get the full 1/2-width. Will need to reset after the turn to get the pattern right again.

August 5, 2016

For heel turn row 1: sl1, k15, ssk, k1, turn.
Continue as written
Last row is RS, ending with 15 stitches.

August 10, 2016

Starting toe decreases after a row 6 of the pattern.

August 11, 2016

Cast on 2nd sock!

August 12, 2016

Tore out first cast-on, because it was awful. 2nd cast on going much better. Note: knitted cast-on, per

August 22, 2016

Into the gusset. Have been documenting the alterations; some minor differences between the two socks, but I think maybe they can be reconciled for a final version?

green kerchief

Sort of its own pattern!

  • the rounded starting tip from Santorini
  • 3st moss stitch on either side
  • increase to 81 stitches before eyelets
  • 2 rows moss stitch w/out increases after eyelet rows

Ending is taken from another kerchief (can’t remember which one; ed 8/3: added to list.)

  • cast on 20 st at one end & knit across moss stitch
  • cast on 20 st at the other end & knit across moss stitch
  • then bind off

I wish I’d done the eyelets maybe at 77 or 79 stitches and then only a single row of moss stitch before casting on the ties. (I.e., it’s a bit too big for me.)


I started with #6 needles after reading comments and seeing how many people said it was way too big. (I have a dang small head.)

July 5, 2016

Might have gotten the decreases slightly wrong? Finished up and it’s got a bit of a point at the top. Ugh. Considering pulling back and redoing the very end to get a more rounded top.

July 6, 2016

Redid the top, still not 100% pleased, but it seemed good enough. Wove in ends, soaked, and blocked.

July 18, 2016

Straight up too long for my head. If I were to make it again (and it is hella cute, not that difficult), I’d start the decreases sooner and decrease faster.

December 21, 2016

Took to my sis to see if it would fit her (big!) head. Nope. The pointiness of the top is super-obvious. :\ And I hate how it fits/looks on me. So: frogging it is.

Petite mademoiselle


Finished back yesterday, just grafted two sides together. Looks a little odd, but it works.

Most likely going to block before seaming. I think it would really benefit from that. (also, still considering lining.)

Also thinking about learning just enough crochet to do the loop & strap.

July 5, 2016

Lo these many months later, I learned how to make a crochet chain! It’s on the short side, but looks cute. I’ve woven in ends, and I’m planning on keeping it at the office for carrying phone/wallet/keys.