
long crazy story to go here later.

instead of presenting designs, let them draw what they want (on paper) before they started the design process. (visual requirements gathering.)

the classic complaint of “decorating”

otoh, designers can be snotty. (one of the things I like where I work now is that there isn’t any of that amongst the design-y types.)

what helps is exposing the process. I think that works on both sides, respect coming from understanding (to paraphrase) — they’re talking designers vs. developers, but that works with knowing the “business process.”

using Basecamp as a way to have the conversations be unobtrusively visible. (is that like the serendipity of overhearing actual conversations?)

having copy happen at the same time as design, IA, etc. have everyone in as early as possible. edge cases of content going into the design. (weird funny accent from Z)

validate work through awards. is this a viable strategy for web peeps?

“maybe in the print world it meant a little more, but….” they’re talking in the context of agency/freelance. it’s interesting; I’ve had the same experience with internal marketing: going out for all the awards.

awards not judging things that were really web design, instead photography, infographics. (some web magazine award?)

okay, now he’s just drifting.

“just by doing good work I’d like to hope stuff gets around” (not Z, but somebody else.) ah, yes, that would be nice. ๐Ÿ™‚

“flash is sort of cheating again.” — giving up the requirement of extensibility, portability, etc. (ah, that must be Jason Santa Maria)

Z is asking Bowman some sort of rambly question about being design guy at Google. he came in through the blogger folks, they recommended him to Gcal. Had to start again from scratch, reputation-wise. Sounds like contractors have the status at Google that one hears that they do at Microsoft. hrm.

“were using a proprietary firefox property to emulate IE.” jeebus. altho not surprising.

and it sounds like he’s still struggling trying to get people to pay attention. “an uphill battle”

peers or higher-ups? both. and because it’s a democratic system, even peers can bring in the smackdown.

“how many have…” f’d up situations with getting content from the client. just this junk that we’re waiting for, instead of driving the whole process. a lot of their clients are getting into it earlier because they’ve had such awful experiences before. (I’m thinking that I may end up with some design changes to my recent project as I incorporate more content. Also, I find that I’m doing a lot more work with content than anything else in my work, design doesn’t necessarily happen very often. That’s okay.)

all the style documents have “why” – why is this important, why should you care? huh.

Yeah, this makes me want to go back and finish tackling the remnants of that project.

(Oh, my shoulder hurts. my kingdom for a backpack!)

“Imposing a voice because they may have 7 different authors” yes! Fits with that article I read recently about branding & writing. “no puns on the heart attack page”

“sometimes marketers write stuff that’s too marketing, and not enough web. […] we normalize it.”

IA: “like therapy sessions” becoming open to the process.

(aw, hell. connection is lost.)

having that conversation internally, too, asking what they need. problem is then “getting invited to the meeting.” stuff just gets built.

sometimes it’s nice being both the designer and the developer.

(connection found!)

providing understanding & explanation; sometimes showing things help people (clients) make decisions.

“if that would get my board of directors to listen to what I’ve been saying for 3 months, it’s worth the $25,000.” (for Jakob.) Dale used to call it “bringing in the prophet from the east.”

sunny morning

Slept reasonably well. This morning is bright & sunny, which is a nice turn of events. Breakfast at the hotel was…meh. Hotel breakfast. Definitely need to get some real food to keep in the hotel.

I finally got around to adding a text message bundle to our phone plan, too, since it looks like Twitter is going to be fairly useful. I’m only having direct messages sent to my phone, because I don’t want to go over. I wish I had a data plan, too, but that’s absurdly expensive. Maybe I can coax my phone into talking to some of the public wifi around here. (It’s annoying. I can get my phone to connect to the wifi at home, but very rarely anywhere else. WTF is up with that?)

I’m getting going kinda slowly. My goal is to save up my energy so I can get into being sociable later w/out burning out. Because as y’all know, the social is not the easiest thing for me to muster up.

sxsw day 1

Today was the airplane day. Only napped last night, got up before 4 am to get to the airport…which probably wasn’t entirely necessary. I got through the damn line pretty quickly and ended up at the gate like an hour early. ::sigh:: Napped, read a book; switched planes in Phoenix. (Where the wifi is free, BTW.) More of the same on flight #2.

And, wow, it’s cold in Austin today. Raining when I got here, windy too. I found myself wishing for both my gloves AND my earmuffs. Yipes. I have a bike reserved, but I talked to the rental guys and decided to pick it up tomorrow, since it doesn’t have fenders.

On the other hand, I got quite a bit of walking in. Not just to the bike shop, but also up across the river seeking a bite to eat. (Something Dylan said on Twitter sent me looking for Las Manitas, but it closed at 4.) I ended up at the same cafe where I spent a few evenings last time around. They’ve redone their counter, I think, but the couches all look the same. Tasty sandwich, ginormous salad of baby greens. Really, the only real food I’ve eaten all day.

I gather that some people are doing stuff tonight, but I don’t think I’m up for it. I’m watching Daily Show (yay!) and will probably hit the hay after Colbert. Either that, or go find the whirlpool spa in my hotel. Definitely want to get to get extra sleep so I can be fresh tomorrow.

Tomorrow’s fun includes picking up the bike and picking up my badge, plus the first couple of panels. But the panels don’t start until mid-afternoon, so I have time to get out & about.

Oh, one last thing: all of the trees are packed with birds, all singing. It’s the strangest thing. The noise of them fills the downtown, almost more than the sound of traffic.


It’s been a while since I’ve written anything more than that silly questionnaire of last week…. So here’s the brain-dump of what I’ve been up to.

I started bike commuting again on Feb. 19: 3 days that week, 3 days the next week, and then today. With the weather looking as it is, I’ll probably ride again tomorrow too. It’s been lovely. A little chilly in the morning, but warm enough that I’ve put my fleece vest at the back of my closet instead of wearing it under my jacket. And the “all trail” option is frickin’ amazing. The new trail is creamy-smooth pavement, and the whole ride is beautiful, calming. In the afternoon, there’s lots of people out — walking, mostly — but even early in the morning there’s a few other walkers and some other bike commuters, too.

I bought a new bike weekend before last; something a little more “performance oriented.” A Kona Smoke 29-er, which is taking some getting used to after 3 years on the very quirky Townie, but I’m definitely more nimble on it. And no, the Townie isn’t going away; C & I are going to work on overhauling, upgrading, etc. so it can be the around-the-town cruiser it ought to be, instead of my main mode of transportation. (From April 2007 until March 2008 I put over 1000 miles on it.)

I’ve been maintaining my weight for about 2 months now since hitting my goal; I’ve actually lost another 5 pounds or so since then. It’s a little bumpier up & down than before, but all within a good zone. I’m trying to add more fruits & veggies to my diet, too!

I started a yoga class, which is more strenuous than I’m used to, but in a good way. Yesterday I went sore from overdoing gardening on Sunday, and came out with both my hand/wrist and my legs in much happier shape.

Sunday I rode my bike downtown & back in the morning, then spent the whole afternoon gardening. (In a tank top! Yay for southern exposure!) I got some serious work done, even if I paid for it later.

The neighborhood association board re-elected me as president last week, which is a bit of a mixed blessing. ๐Ÿ™‚ I like doing it, but I always feel like I’m running behind on something or another. The general meeting two weeks ago was HAWESOME, tho. We did C’s open mic suggestion again, and this time lots of people came up and said their piece (peace?), got some conversations started, etc. Plus we got 3 new board members.

This year, as a whole, we’re going to try to get some forward movement on a Madison Scenic Park community garden, work on improvements at Lions Park (oh hell, I need to make a phone call!), and start a basketball tournament. Plus probably some other stuff. (I so very want to redesign the website.)

Thursday I leave for SXSWi, alas w/out C, who I was hoping to bring this year. Maybe another time. I’m excited anyway. I’ll be renting a bike again! This time I’m going for work, so I’m going to sessions that (hopefully) have some practical applications for my job. Or at least that’s the theory. There will be liveblogging in any case.

Speaking of work, yes, I am still enjoying my job, although the last couple of weeks have been entirely crazy. Now I’m trying to get everything cleaned up to be gone for a week…and I wouldn’t be surprised if I caught a cold when I got back, either; I’ve been dodging that bullet too long this winter. I might write up one of my recent projects, as I learned some new things setting up a Drupal site. I’m discovering that I like Drupal…even if I curse its name periodically.

I have not been writing. ::sigh:: But I did have a weird revelation about an old project, something I want to follow up on eventually. House projects have been start & stop, although with more start than usual. The weather has been uncannily pleasant. I may manage to get in a veggie garden this year.

And that’s pretty much that. What’s up with you?