Today’s Links 9/27/2011

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Today’s Links 9/15/2011

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Today’s Links 9/15/2011

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Today’s Links 9/14/2011

  • What happens first in Vegas: bike lanes or bikes? | Grist
    "I can’t help but think of the Interbike show, which will soon descend on the Strip, as it does every year. It’s a jarring juxtaposition: the broken built environment on the outside and the manicured bike utopia on the inside."
  • Producing sweeteners locally – TCLocal
    "Some require industrial facilities and major energy inputs, and a few are dangerous, but many familiar sweeteners will likely remain available into even an uncertain future."
  • First look: renovated sheriff’s station ready for its close-up (altadenablog)
    Visited in elementary school, got fingerprinted even IIRC.
  • Usability in Icons | Stiern
    Do (inexperienced) people understand the "chain" or "globe" icons for creating links in a CMS? I’ve had to do this training myself. I’m torn: on the one hand it would be nice to have something more immediately understandable, on the other it’s not terribly difficult to train people to recognize. (On the third hand, a lot of people don’t get the concept of writing "what you want to be the link" and then highlighting it to create a link right off the bat either.)
  • The Language of Fantasy by David Salo | Fantasy Magazine
    "As fantasy, in books, television, and film, has become more and more mainstream, the idea that every proper fantasy world deserves its own language—or maybe several!—has taken hold."

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