Today’s Links 11/25/2010

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Today’s Links 11/19/2010

  • VagrantRadio – Playing with CSS3 & @font-face
    "10 years ago my head would have exploded" yes. (10 years ago, AKA November 2000? I was fighting with NN4 to get my AWESOME new site design for United Way working.)
  • Stoller: A Debtcropper Society « naked capitalism
    "The phrase ‘the man’, as in ‘fight the man’, referred originally to creditors."
  • Petty Tyrant | This American Life
    filed under "and you thought YOUR boss was crazy"
  • Schneier on Security: Changing Passwords
    "So in general: you don’t need to regularly change the password to your computer or online financial accounts (including the accounts at retail sites); definitely not for low-security accounts. You should change your corporate login password occasionally, and you need to take a good hard look at your friends, relatives, and paparazzi before deciding how often to change your Facebook password. But if you break up with someone you’ve shared a computer with, change them all."
  • Today’s Pictures: Built Like a Fortress
    great photos of mostly very old fortresses

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