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Today’s Links 11/12/2010
- Overnight French Toast Recipe at Epicurious.com
baked french toast for minimal involvement.
- The Atlantic’s 150 Year Anniversary Issue – David Foster Wallace asks how much our security should cost | Good News
"Are you up for a thought experiment? What if we chose to regard the 2,973 innocents killed in the atrocities of 9/11 not as victims but as democratic martyrs, “sacrifices on the altar of freedom�*" interesting essay.
- google-refine – Project Hosting on Google Code
"a power tool for working with messy data, cleaning it up, transforming it from one format into another, extending it with web services, and linking it to databases like Freebase"
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Today’s Links 11/10/2010
- burnt sugar almonds
- DarkFin Gloves | Uncrate
weird! awesome!
- A holiday classic: Gingersnaps | King Arthur Flour – King Arthur Flour – Baking Banter
- Cooks Source Statement: Slightly Corrected – kitchenmage
"Every time you talk about intellectual property a kitten dies. Stop it!" hilarity!
- Crockpot Sausage Recipes
- Main Page – Epic Transit Journeys
mostly in WA, but some in OR & BC.
- Hired Hands, LLC | Kraken Design
(local electrician.)
- PXtoEM.com: PX to EM conversion made simple.
- Type-a-file
- A Journey from Seattle to Vancouver, B.C. on Transit – Seattle Transit Blog
"If you’re feeling adventurous and have the time, it is possible to travel from Seattle to Vancouver on public transit by making a series of transfers and some walking or cycling across the border."
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Today’s Links 11/10/2010
- Tillamook | Recipes | Cream of Potato & Cheddar Cheese Soup
- Home – Pencil Project
- Free Sketching & Wireframing Kit
- Worker Rights Extend to Facebook, Labor Board Says – NYTimes.com
"the labor board has stepped in to argue that workers’ criticisms of their bosses or companies on a social networking site are generally a protected activity"
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Today’s Links 11/9/2010
- Alleged hit-and-run driver may not face felony | VailDaily.com
"Felony convictions have some pretty serious job implications for someone in Mr. Erzinger’s profession" – well then maybe he SHOULDN’T HAVE HIT A BICYCLIST WITH HIS CAR.
- Cookies and Cream Cheesecakes | Bake or Break
too precious!
- Hot cheese bread: grip it and rip it! | King Arthur Flour – King Arthur Flour – Baking Banter
bread and cheese? sign me up!
- Hands-on with RockMelt, the underwhelming and insecure Chrome 6-based Facebook-connected Web browser
"No matter which way you look at it, -FaceMelt- RockMelt is a proprietary browser that’s harvesting all of your data — and for what? Chrome 6 with a bunch of extensions." ugh. requires logging in to FB, too.
- Our Banana Republic – NYTimes.com
"So we face a choice. Is our economic priority the jobless, or is it zillionaires?"
- book lovers never go to bed alone
being a blog of pictures of bookshelves.
- danah boyd | apophenia » Risk Reduction Strategies on Facebook
"teens who have strategies for managing their online presence that are odd at first blush but make complete sense when you understand the context in which they operate" two girls in rough schools with drastic FB strategies.
- Fitzwilliam Museum – Roman Multitool
spoon, fork, knife, pick(s), from sometime between 200 AD & 300 AD.
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Today’s Links 11/7/2010
- The Burger Lab: Revisiting the Myth of The 12-Year Old McDonald’s Burger That Just Won’t Rot (Testing Results!) | A Hamburger Today
basically: burger jerky. any burger of that size & shape will dry out before it has enough time to mold, assuming it’s not kept in a damp environment. so stop freaking out already.
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Today’s Links 11/5/2010
- A Modest Proposal to Dino Rossi: How Does UW President Rossi Sound?
quirky article by Dylan. it makes a weird amount of sense.
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Today’s Links 11/4/2010
- That ain’t a drug war. THIS is a drug war! § Unqualified Offerings
on applying the law evenly.
- Why We Can’t Afford Not to Create a Well-Stocked National Digital Library System – David Rothman – Personal – The Atlantic
lots of big fascinating ideas here.
- What does it mean to be a progressive?
lovely thoughtful stuff.
- My son is gay « Nerdy Apple Bottom
"Thirdly, I am not worried that your son will grow up to be an actual ninja so back off." preschool-age boy dresses as Daphne from Scooby-Doo for Halloween. other moms are jerks.
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Today’s Links 11/3/2010
- What is Open311? | Open311
- What a Hundred Million Calls to 311 Reveal About New York | Magazine | Wired.com
"a pilot program in Brooklyn sponsored by OpenPlans that scouted areas needing bike racks by encouraging people to “take pictures of places where there are bikes locked up to every object in sight—to show the demand.â€" lots of good stuff here, but this bit gave me an idea…
- The Gamification of Politics (Deus Ex Machinatio)
"The problem with the gamification of politics, though, is that it necessarily results in the gamification of government, too." not a new sentiment, of course, but interesting to consider from a game *designer* point of view.
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Today’s Links 11/3/2010
- Faith and Foolishness: When Religious Beliefs Become Dangerous: Scientific American
"I don’t know which is more dangerous, that religious beliefs force some people to choose between knowledge and myth or that pointing out how religion can purvey ignorance is taboo."
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