Free download of @katebornstein booklet alternatives to suicide. We need you here with us. #stayalive #thx4support
Common Trees of the Pacific Northwest
Twitter / jasonnchristie: A board gamer designed our …
Gorgeous! Send some to our office! RT @jasonnchristie: A board gamer designed our new office furniture #tabletop
katm_pano.jpg (JPEG Image, 10800 × 6981 pixels) – Scaled (12%)
amazing huge map of Katmai National Park & Preserve (Alaska)
(Tom Baker) 4th Doctor Who Scarf BBC Instructions by 93FangShadow on deviantART
photocopy of original instructions. looks to be abt 1700 yards DK weight yarn (25 balls, 25g. ea.) on #9 needle, just a plain (VERY LONG) striped stockinette stitch scarf.
Twitter / RaeBeta: #feministselfie #thisisnotforyou …
#feministselfie #thisisnotforyou
Icons layout.pdf – Google Drive
a nifty 13th Age game aid…
…icons layout (PDF, Google Drive)
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Patron Debris
Librarians… RT @helgagrace: Don’t mock people for the things that make them happy.
35.072562,-98.243663 – Google Maps
Anadarko, OK