"Changes your icons daily, forcing you to look up which obscure scientific figure is having a birthday."
WTF? It comes off as really mean-spirited. I used to admire Mark P a lot, despite the ultra-snark, but this…ugh. Eric Meyer in the comments in his usual clear & straightforward way: "Someone’s going off the rails, all right, but I don’t think it’s who you think it is."
"I think I’ve found that combo in the Overboard Duffel." Looks nice. I miss Derek's Bike Rubbish blog! (I think I saw him & his gal riding north on Blvd one morning last week, btw.)
the FreeLoaders suck in the rain, period. (although at least unlike the Ute's bags, they don't pretend to be designed for rainy weather.)
trying to figure out how to deal with the new bike in the rain, after yesterday's insane summer downpour. some good ideas to go through here.
sounds tasty!
"By now the iterations online and off are legion: “Keep Calm and Have a Cupcake†(substituting the pastry for the crown); “Don’t Panic and Fake a British Accent â€; “Keep Spending and Carry On Shopping,†etc." my fav by far is MeFite mattdidthat's "Flag It and Move On"
"When you damage the ligament, “you damage the neuro-receptors as well. Your brain no longer receives reliable signals†from the ankle about how your ankle and foot are positioned in relation to the ground. Your proprioception — your sense of your body’s position in space — is impaired. You’re less stable and more prone to falling over and re-injuring yourself." this makes a lot of sense. I'd kinda like to go back to that hot yoga stuff. it involved lots of balance work.
links for 2009-07-07
"There is nothing about HTML5 that represents long-term growth. Nothing that represents industry consensus about how the structure of web content should mature so that it is accessible to the handicapped. Nothing that makes it easier to markup content with its semantics in an extensible way. Nothing that allows the use of long-agreed upon W3C Recommendations." Fascinating stuff, I hadn't thought at all about this w/in the overall W3C mission.
"It has only been a few days but I am already sick of the “XHTML is bullshit, man!†crowd using the cessation of XHTML 2.0 activity to condescend to—or even childishly glory in the “folly†of—web developers who build with XHTML 1.0, a stable W3C recommendation for nearly ten years, and one that will continue to work indefinitely." Thank you. I like using XHTML purely for consistency in coding…always be closing & all that.
links for 2009-07-06
super-light hammock/tent.
mmmm, data.
I have wanted to get an owl tattoo for about 15 years. might go looking for a design.
oooh, I was waiting for this! would love to play around with this for oly.
have been meaning to comment on this since last week, but nothing has coalesced in my head. so, just sharing uncommented.
links for 2009-07-04
links for 2009-07-03
among other things Facebook as "white flight" among teens. interesting stuff.
links for 2009-07-02
"It began humbly, as [a] scripting language used by Solon to deliver the laws of Athens." mmmm, literary geek synthesis….
"Let me be clear: I have no beef with firecrackers or bottle rockets or Roman candles or anything else that one might set off in one's cousin's backyard." my opinion is precisely the opposite of the author's. I love fireworks displays, but in the neighborhood? not so much. one year in Tacoma, it was like a freaking war zone. fireworks going on CONTINUALLY from the middle of the afternoon until about 4 or 5 the next morning.
links for 2009-07-01
although the assumption that you are already well-stocked with dry goods is maybe not correct…still, could be useful to try next week or something.
links for 2009-06-30
interesting ideas, although I will give this line a hearty f*** you: "Women, on the whole, do not need an "outside" job, and the large-scale employment of women in offices or factories would be considered a sign of serious economic failure." (granted, the essay was originally written in 1966. but still.)
hurting my brain.
"Our present crime prevention and punishment system is divided among 50 states with different rules and thousands of private crime insurance companies. And when you look at the mercenaries hired by the crime insurance companies, they come in all shapes and sizes — commandos, samurai, Vikings, centurions and ninjas." heh. nice bit o' satire.
links for 2009-06-29
"“close enough to free†multiplied by seventy-five billion is still a very large number" indeed.
This says pretty much everything I wanted to say.
I want to do this! – combines two of my favorite hobbies.
links for 2009-06-25
"Imagine if automakers got together and started measuring the gas mileage of new cars with a cool test of their own making—one in which the cars were rolling downhill with their engines idling." yipes. not surprising, tho.
very cute
this one helped me get the format to send the data correctly.
this was my starting point for getting ahold of what I needed to do with Advanced Processing. (sending form data into another script)
Sounds like a solid book for a web generalist
will have to look at this in detail at some point. weird but true: I drew a similar (tho not so complex!) map of friendships/relationships when I was in college, at a point where I was crushy on the tv cartoon wolverine. (there's a LOT more to that story, obvs, but not for the internets.)
Financial education site from Verity CU. love it. (totally jealous, btw.)
Miso font. "a heavy duty typeface for the construction industry" very slim & crisp. via mahalie.
very clever, and cheap!
very good press for credit unions.
"When was the last time a public figure got caught in a love affair? It's always bimbo eruptions and high-priced hookers." I had a similar reaction — I haven't seen the press conference, but I have read an article with an email excerpt.
zimmer frame = walker (I had to look it up)