these look good!
whoa! (among other things, I found the record of filing our marriage license.)
going to give this a try. it's a little fussy, but I like that sort of thing.
of course, he's still talking about an actual UX person, rather than a situation like mine, where my UX-ness is part of all my "other duties as assigned"!
from the outlook PM: “The reason for this lies in the benefit Outlook users gain by having Word as their e-mail authoring tool; rich tools like SmartArt, automatic styles and templates, and other benefits found in Word 2007 and 2010 enable Outlook users to write professional looking and visually stunning messages.†great. so we have to put up with crap html-rendering to make sure that people can use bright pink comic sans and backgrounds of dancing penguins. thanks, guys.
links for 2009-06-23
Someday I would like to go. (Went to Mt Graham b4 it was built, one of the 1st times I ever saw snow on the ground.) Grandpa, who loved astronomy, never got to see the telescope(s) in operation.
"An ordinary life used to look something like this: born into a growing family, you help rear your siblings, have the first of your own half-dozen or even dozen children soon after you’re grown, and die before your youngest has left home." in my family I think the transition point was my grandparents.
only 1 of the artist designs is to my taste, but I love the general idea, esp the card pocket. this could be my new wallet! (in the future)
neat! (via mathowie's photos of MeFi logo etched on his laptop) y'know, mom used to know how to build a laser….
"a thriving genre of popular fiction, usually labeled "urban fantasy," in which young female protagonists get to battle monsters and demons while working through the conundrums of early adulthood" sounds like fun
the short answer: no.
been getting a yen to redesign my site, maybe something more photorealistic. not that I have time, but here's the inspiration.
"No, I woke up early this morning—rather painfully early, in fact—and knew what I wanted to give myself: this post, in which I hang up the keyboard on old CavLec for good. Not a spangly gift, or an easy one to wrap, but what price peace of mind?" wow. Dorothea is part of the first group of bloggers that I read and interacted with. (ugh, awkward sentence!) I find myself sadder than expected, but can understand the sentiment. She's been out there on the front of her field for a while now, saying the unpopular and quite loudly at that. Gotta be tiring. Hope to see her elsewhere on the internets.
a lovely poem
"Cool Feet were designed as compact and removable supports that temporarily fix to the bottom of your laptop with suction cups." totally want these.
going to try this soon…
links for 2009-06-22
"The American Public Transportation Association has named Intercity Transit the best transit system in the nation for its size." very cool.
homemade cheesy-poofs?! awesome.
our local transit is really only just recovering from the blow of the original Eyman initiative, 10+ (?) years ago, and service out to the rural parts of the county is almost certainly never coming back. hate to see this happening all over now!
links for 2009-06-18
as in chickens! very cute.
links for 2009-06-17
"Commerce Bank Harrisburg was always well-known for treating their customers well. And yet it’s as if Metro Bank — with the same people in charge, mind you — has thrown out everything they knew about good customer service. From major faults such as cutting off ATM cards with no warning, to tiny details (such as having their customer service reps recite an uncomfortably-long 20-second greeting when they answer the phone), Metro Bank has really fouled this one up." Yipes. Plus, don't miss the "f off" from someone claiming to be an employee in the comments!
"I'll try to be as brief as possible, but I had an ALMOST-perfect car buying experience recently. I'll post what I did, and then throw in blurbs where I felt I could have improved. It's long, but I needed to type this up for a friend who's about to buy a car anyway. Take it all with a grain of salt." Need to remember this.
links for 2009-06-16
I got about halfway through before the MeFi reference/injoke hit me…this is literally overthinking a plate of beans. (did a MeFite slyly send in the question?!)
'tis the season for graduation speeches. I like this one as well. "For an adult there really only two things that matter, that deserve your essential focus: those are work and love. I’m an engineer, a computer programmer even, so I can’t possibly stand here and talk for ten minutes about love; perhaps I’d best stay mostly with the world of work."
"I’ve since drawn a larger lesson: throughout life you will encounter people in positions of authority over you whom you believe to be lunatics."
don't miss the non-apology apology. an attentive reader could probably yell "Bingo!" at some point. 🙁
"So, in preparation for next time round, here’s a handy bingo card." ::sigh::
links for 2009-06-15
mostly changing OMG to OMS. 🙂 reminds me of that South Park where Cartman goes into the future, one of my faves.
neato9 Gantt chart stuff.
links for 2009-06-12
if I'm understanding this correctly, it's a friendly name for an RDFa vocabulary. friendly names are good.
"an interesting graphic that tells the story of the culprits behind our budget deficit" I find the 2nd graphic easier to understand, if totally f'ing depressing.
"When Angela @webchick Byron started writing a talk about women in open source for Open Web Vancouver 2009, she found the topic silly. […] Instead, she would focus on recruiting people to projects. […] Then she looked for data to support her theory. Except, she was in for a wee surprise."
Reprint of an article from 2005 about 3 men who lived thru bombings of both Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
links for 2009-06-10
"None of these posts mention that you can also register a real domain name that you can own, instead of just having another URL on Facebook." (also, looking at the sidebar, looks like Anil's blog will be 10 years old next month!)
"There really is a way to look at copyright that is not a form of apologia for dying “content†industries, like the music business and Hollywood studios. This new way also has very little to do with “free culture,†Creative Commons, and the teachings of gurus like Lessig and Michael Geist." I'm sort of curious to get Joe's take (enough to throw in $5, even).
neat! (we have two of these at home) totally want to try it, totally don't have time right now.
links for 2009-06-09
"This resource aims to help those making decisions about their use of freely available 'Web 2.0' interactive and collaborate e-learning tools."