my take: does the blanket primary/top 2 primary lash together the left & right sides (literally!) of the state into something more moderate? an interesting thought.
beautiful early 20th century posters from the Boston Public Library. (aka: most beautiful library I have ever been in.)
(kitten not actually welsh)
links for 2009-06-07
it is actually pretty straightforward…unless you're trying to match it up with a relatively oddball bike. C & I have been puttering away (with a varying amount of expletives) at getting the whole tongue/fap thing set correctly over the last few weeks. looks like we're either going to dremel off the fender tab or use the extra-long fap with the bolt at a bit of an angle. ugh. it still looks cool, in any case.
links for 2009-06-04
"As my 77-year old father (who also drove the car) said: "This is the car of the future!"" so jealous.
groundbreaking for this project is on Saturday! (selfishly, I hope the construction work won't disrupt riding to my doc's.)
for garden walk wrap-up post. recommended by Tim.
C found this. don't care too much abt the payment part, but the water usage & trash days parts might be cool.
"Researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics have now carefully analysed which organic gases are emitted from plants. They made the surprising discovery that plants release methane, a greenhouse gas – and this goes against all previous assumptions." trippy! (from C, by way of a discussion last nite abt whether cows or termites produce more methane. cows "win."
links for 2009-06-03
very cool-looking. will have to do something similar for the gang.
came in handy today.
links for 2009-06-02
some research to do. (honestly, I hate washing the car, although I like how it looks when I'm done.)
"Smart social media empowers conversations beyond the message. It embraces human nature and the strange mesh-like conversations that occur between us and our collective interests."
"Its hardware design is completely open — everything from schematics to Gerber files will be available on a marvell's website — and ARM ports of several popular Linux distributions are already running, and included." I think C showed me this a bit ago as well, this link via Simon St Laurent.
we are, but I suck at it. (shd probly recruit someone else to help.)
links for 2009-06-01
some interesting notes here, including medicinal uses!
already a few good things to track down!
the linked "Confessions of an Introverted Traveler" essay is delightful, too.
links for 2009-05-29
The last link prompted me to go look for info about my great-uncle, because I remember mom saying something about him having been head of anesthesiology at UCLA. and no kidding, not just head, but founder, and major contributor to the field. neat!
Interesting history w/Dr. Bonica. I used to live just a few block from TG.
links for 2009-05-28
free fonts, always fun.
museum/gov't sites (I swear I remember a few crazy gov't pic sites in addition to these, like the dept of ag or something.)
"One farmer reported no bindweed problems for nine years after his bindweed was "shaded and strangled by the pumpkins."" well hey, that's some good news. otoh: "There aren't many positive things to say about a plant that can smother a garden in a season and reappear Terminator-like after the most conscientious yanking."
from Thurston County. "Each plant can produce as many as 500 seeds that can sprout for over 50 years." also, "Root systems of field bindweed can be in excess of 5 tons per acre." holy heck!
aka field bindweed, aka morning glory (apparently, not really, but that's how I've always referred to it.)
can haz smaller version, plz? (also, look at last year's winners. a couple of those are awesome.)
nifty art project!
links for 2009-05-27
"The real puzzle of American health care, I realized on the airplane home, is not why McAllen is different from El Paso. It’s why El Paso isn’t like McAllen. Every incentive in the system is an invitation to go the way McAllen has gone."
"A good data munger excels at turning coffee into regular expressions and parsers" 🙂 also, would like to take stats class one of these days. (IMO, they should teach that in HS instead of calc.)
all my web peeps should be reading this NOW.
"There’s a lot of incompleteness here; from the tests themselves down to the table grid. Right now I’m not even sure if I should order the entries by browser or by phone vendor." from ppk.
links for 2009-05-26
how to take care of my new sandals (wash in the washing machine?!) and how to get the straps shortened. I wonder if it's possible to take the back straps in a hair.