no idea what I'd do with this, but neat to know that it exists.
links for 2009-05-22
gorgeous, but spendy. 🙂
neat! right near the convention center, too.
"Olympia’s own Olympia Coffee Roasting Company scored big this month. Coffee Review, the world’s leading coffee buying guide tasted Big Truck Blend and gave it a fantastic score of 91 points." Awesome! I love those guys.
links for 2009-05-20
some clever ideas here, although: Grant?! Srsly? Replace w/Hamilton, thx! The color strips could be a little higher contrast, too. Definitely like the idea of the bill of rights on the money.
"The House throws in what ought to be called "The Fine Print Rule." Card companies must print their account applications and disclosures in 12-point type or greater."
A lot of these look familiar, but at the moment I don't have time to review.
"Makes WebApps Look and Feel Like iPhone Native Apps" huh. Might have to give this a whirl.
might have to try these some weekend
It worked. But I really think it shouldn't have been anywhere NEAR this hard.
links for 2009-05-18
"This is a survey of every use of the word “irregardless” on Metafilter from July 6, 2000 (the date the word first appeared on the site) through the afternoon of May 17th, 2009." awesome grammar-data-crunching from cortex.
ton o' links!
"In the late 1990s, Boys & Girls Clubs began operating computer labs and integrating technology-related access and learning opportunities into their activities. This report examines these opportunities within the larger contexts of the role of afterschool programs in the US, and of preparing youth for the 21st century workforce. The findings illustrate many ways that specific programs introduce and enhance technical skills, promote Internet savvy and build computer fluency while simultaneously reinforcing core social development outcomes." C was heavily involved in this then at the East Tacoma club…at the time, we lived right around the corner, and I worked 1 floor up from the admin HQ.
"imidacloprid, the world's best-selling insecticide created by Bayer CropScience Inc." I totally screwed up the bug balance in our front yard last summer spraying the trees with that to kill the gddmn aphids. (adding insult to injury: the aphid problem got even worse.)
"Interchange is The Home Depot’s third largest operating cost. And this is from a company that gets comparatively low interchange rates just by being large." the other side of credit cards. (IIRC, interchange costs also apply to debit cards.)
links for 2009-05-15
links for 2009-05-14
"I'll tell you what I told someone else recently: Your past is not your present, your present is not your future." (wanted to save this in more than one spot.) sometimes I get way too caught up in that kind of stuff.
"In his first interview since being confirmed to head the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy, Gil Kerlikowske said Wednesday the bellicose analogy was a barrier to dealing with the nation's drug issues." no kidding.
some interesting links for reading. (I'm now Secretary for two boards of directors, neither is really a total dud, but I'd love to contribute better. Also, should dig thru C's nonprofit mgmt schoolwork.)
would like to read through this and maybe reassess some of my subtheme work so far
links for 2009-05-13
fascinating. might have to give it a while. (apparently it's going to be in core for D7.)
quirky. very much a trust-based system.
what a crazy awesome idea! would've loved this for Procession of the Species/Art Walk.
some basic advice.
"I don’t mind if anyone in the world reads my reviews, and they are in fact all public on the site, but for someone to “follow” my reviews (get notified when I write them), they have to be accepted as my friend, in which case I see all their reviews as well." Asymmetric follow = RSS/Atom, basically. 🙂 this is not a bad thing.
this leaped out at me: "the Glueck study data suggested that industriousness in childhood—as indicated by such things as whether the boys had part-time jobs, took on chores, or joined school clubs or sports teams—predicted adult mental health better than any other factor" a fascinating study/set of studies.
like legos, but with electronics. I wonder if I could use them (eventually) to build that bike turn signal light that I dream of.
links for 2009-05-12
a little annoyed by this, but it doesn't actually HURT anything, so will wait until admin_menu gets updated for reals.
"An A-Z Index of the Apple OS X command line"
I totally want to know the rest of this story. (We bought a rose bush there a couple of years ago for a friend's mom, and I got a spray nozzle there summer before last. The abandonment was so SUDDEN.)
"In my personal life it was reflected powerfully on the day when, talking of the unwillingness of my friends to retire, my eldest child noted, "You guys just won't go."" I'll note that it's not just "millennials" with that frustration. :\
only for sale in Idaho, but page includes plans for building your own!
some names I recognize from either twitter or digital eve, including the entirely awesome Kathy Gill. 🙂
links for 2009-05-09
"John Backus and IBM create FORTRAN. There's nothing funny about IBM or FORTRAN. It is a syntax error to write FORTRAN while not wearing a blue tie." 🙂
links for 2009-05-07
"I’ve decriminalized my thoughts about food — I’m allowed to consider getting hot chocolate, or having pie for breakfast, or taking second helpings, without any judgment or shame. But that doesn’t mean I always decide to do those things, and in fact, simply being allowed to think rationally about food means that I often don’t." YES.
"someone who can bitch slap you with his brain." cute article. have I mentioned that I had a crush on Spock in my early teen years? 🙂